The Devil and John Berryman

I'd honestly be surprised if he wasn't actually, actively, personally begging them to reject him. He wants nothing to do with the act of being President, and it would let him play the martyr to his people for the rest of his hopefully very short life.

The best you will ever hear someone on the left say about Maher is "I agree with him, but jesus what an asshole." He has no worshipers.

Because…there are time constraints on commercial television? Ok…

This guy's math checks out.

He's clearly bored by the idea of actually being President, and just wants to keep getting the rush of people cheering for him at campaign events.

How odd that you'd cast Pence in the role of a closeted gay man that is secretly in love with his boss. Oh, wait…

What if someone politely asks to stop protecting minorities, in the name of white unity?

Or disgusting sex act.

The release of the reboot was built on nothing but misplaced nostalgia for a show that was actually quite horrific. This was the final puzzle piece to get Americans ready to vote for an administration built on nothing but mis-remembered nostalgia for the 1940s.

Romney getting SoS is my only shred of hope left. If any actual, adult politician wants to play nice to Trump's face so they can try to prevent some real tragedy, they're fucking heroes.

The only two rules are don't be a bigot and include a Simpsons quote.

It's their entire MO. Everything Trump accused Clinton of being was things he was doing in spades. Every racist that complains about safe spaces just wants their own safe space to say racist things. Every loser that yells "cuck, cucks!" is super insecure with their own sexuality.

Because they are stupid.

I'll give you this. I'm quite sure you're an uncle. You actually might be my uncle. How was jail?

Since I refuse to check myself, have they turned on their own creator, Glen Beck? Him becoming almost a real human being this election season had to be one of its greatest surprises, yet his outlet is still the same old hateful garbage.

No one at the AV Club has ever once used that sort of hyperbole. It only comes up in the comments from every jackass that thinks it's clever to mock the non-existent headline. You're beef is with all of the Buzzfeed knockoffs.

Jesus fucking Christ. We really are going to have the Hunger Games by the end of Trump's first term, aren't we?

What it really says is that the demo that would be open to this sort of show couldn't stand to spend 9 hours listening to a woman, even if it's the ideal woman they made up when they were 14.

Of course, that would mean that there hasn't been a dramatic decrease in the role of religion in American families, and there has been no shifting views towards stereotypical roles. Which, of course, is pure fucking rubbish.

Why? If had the means to do it I'd absolutely move to another country.