The Devil and John Berryman

I think that's a question better suited for Savage Love.

There's a better than 50% chance my mom is foreclosed on and evicted from her home in the next four years, and I'm honestly not sure how to handle it when she asks to move in. On one hand, it sure would be barbaric to leave her to fend for herself over opposing political views. But on the other…this is what she

To be fair, I've always been drunk, angry and ashamed.

WikiLeaks would be a lot more interesting if it outed the secret Disqus accounts of AV Club staff.

No snowflake! No snowflake! You're the snowflake!

But that was kind of my point. People love to act like they only reason they hate Esposito is because she is so self involved, when she's not half the navel grazer Rabin was.

I'm just trying to find the quote, where he specifically says he was fired as editor and is a freelancer, that you claim exists.

"Editor-at-large for The A.V. Club, which is a pretty swell site about pop culture."

And so can you!

He's closer to the end of his life than the beginning!

"This is as good a time and place as any to let you know that I’m not editor-in-chief of The A.V. Club anymore. I’m still involved with the site—my title is “editor-at-large” now, so I barely even need to get new business cards printed up. I stepped down from the top job a few weeks ago so that I could pursue some

In what world would "stop talking about queer shit" ever meet a definition of "constructive criticism."

I don't know. I've sure been saying "I don't usually wish ill on the elderly, but…" a lot since getting a new President elect.

Someone ought to tell Teti's he's been sacked. He's still writing weekly Block & Tackle columns. What a fool!

If your hatred for Mencia was specifically because he supported Hispanic viewpoints in media, yeah, maybe.

There is a legit large KKK community in northern Wisconsin.

Nathan Rabin wrote about himself more than anyone. That's not an insult, as they were often fantastic pieces of writing. But that was sort of his thing.

It sure does sound like your annoyance with her is explicitly about her sexuality.

Some of the greatest pieces of writing on the AV Club have been autobiographical journeys of the author. Nathan Rabin, Steve Hyden, Noel Murray, and the list goes on of former AV Club greats. I guess I can see how it might be confusing if you only know the current iteration that posts 15 GJIs a day, but it really

I'm a straight white male from a very straight white suburb, that produced a lot of existentially angry assholes around me. I have no idea why I managed to escape the same, hateful fate, but I honestly believe it might be because I watched a shit load of Simpsons as a child.