The Devil and John Berryman

The Roots

Because we the people had our vote, and our inbred cousins tied an anvil to our legs and dumped us in the water.

I still maintain that the Cubs winning the Series proves there is a disturbance on a cosmic level.

If there was even a 0.5% chance of this happening Hillary would be in DC with her team making plans for a transition. They'd have a month to get everything in order. This is not a thing that is going to happen.

There's no money to be made by the alt-right media if their readers are happy. Have you noticed how fucking angry they all still are now? Can you imagine a Breitbart headline of "Day 100 of the Muslim Ban; White People Starting to Realize They Had Other Issues All Along."

Although it probably shouldn't at this point, one of the most surprising things I've seen pop up is the idea that Trump actually won the popular vote. You can't spend 2 minutes on social media now without one of his deplorables stating this as a fact reported by mainstream news sources. This is why we are frightened.

To stop those pesky non-white people from having a voice?

Like Trump has ever been in a supermarket in his life.

That doesn't sound like something Satan would say. I would know.

It would also be nearly impossible for the inverse to occur in today's America. The Electoral College is designed specifically to allow for rural voters to have a louder voice. That's not a formula for a liberal win in a close election.

The people that care about stuff like this overestimate how much everyone else cares about it. Trump's lawsuit wasn't a secret. Trump himself Tweeted about it before all of the Hamilton stuff. To most of the public this is already built into their begrudging acceptance.

It is pretty amazing, and most of his "antics" are completely overblown. Supporting Trump, even just for the sake of being controversial, is pretty unforgivable. But previous to this the worst he'd do is say some stupid things on Twitter. Hardly a Chris Brown, or even any rock star from the 70s.

He's been in a tail spin since his mother died in 2007.

Too bad for him he's one of like three people in the world that aren't qualified even for that.

I don't know that it was false, so much as it was a Frank Grimes scenario. By the time Pence brought Giuliani in to Trump Tower, Trump had already moved on to the heroic dog as his top choice.

This is just one giant piece of performance art. When a young black man acts like this, he gets booed and mercilessly mocked, even by his own fans. When an old white man does it, he gets to be president.

If we can get a Morrissey/Kanye colab out of this, it might all be worth it.

Unisex toilets also don't stop anyone from paying the mortgage. Instead of telling the Dems to stop worrying about social issues because it doesn't help them, why can't we tell rural voters to stop worrying about them because it doesn't hurt them?

Ok, Trump is chemo, but America didn't have cancer. It had a pretty nasty case of pneumonia a while back, but was well on the way to a full recovery. But now we're pumping poison through our veins in the hopes that it can protect us from other future poisons, even though that's not how poison works.

Maybe if we just ignore him, the next four years won't happen!