The Devil and John Berryman

I'll add illiterate to the list other things I know about you, in addition to homophobic and torture supporter.

You seem super obsessed with dudes cocks. Which is totally fine! I encourage you to explore this side of your sexuality. I think you'll be a lot friendlier!

Alexander Hamilton?

I don't believe in typing assholes, yet here you are.

Counterpoint: it totally does!

No, they just have a horrible life and resist their true happiness to make their family and man in the sky happy.

If it's so overrated, why is Pence even there? I want a VP with more sense than that. Was he just there to get directions on how to get away from there?

Remember when Trump voters tried telling us they weren't racist? But they were just sick of hearing those whiney liberals constantly crying about safe spaces? That was funny.

Just remember that when 4 years go by and they try to tell us its only been 2. No need for an election yet guys!

Reading prepared statements is the exact job description of an actor.

Except so many people are saying the exact same thing so it clearly isn't working, and I have real issues imagining anyone on Trump's team having that kind of foresight. What's even likelier is that he has the temperament of a spoiled 10 year old that's never been told no.

Just because Trump has lowered the decency of the presidency so low that it's now considered a bonus if he doesn't throw literal shit at someone, it doesn't mean we should accept any of that behavior as normal.

Shit…nobody tell Cindy that Trump was a famous TV star before going into politics. She's going to be so confused! And definitely don't tell her about Reagan!

Yes, I'm sure you have quite a many Harvard grads in your social circle to make that claim.

He's a….GLOBALIST! dun dun DUUUUUUN.

Top 5 no debating! Top 5, top 5, top 5

I'm half convinced Obama is going to find a way to secretly stay in office for another four years, and tell Donald he won't have to do any of the work but will get all of the credit.

His core group of insane people, yes. But I think we overestimate how much the average person watches Fox or reads Breitbart. The guy that runs a service station and just wanted to try something different but doesn't really watch the news much is who I have hope for.

I just went through seven different types of rage.

For the most part, people in actual poverty didn't vote for him. It was the working class folks that were making an OK but not great living, but were worried about the viability of their job in the future. In fact, they often hate the poor because they feel like they are getting more government assistance than the