The Devil and John Berryman

I think a decent number of them just hate whoever happens to currently be president because their life is miserable and it's better than blaming themselves. Outside of his core group of insane followers that live in a fantasyland, I think they turn on him quick when their brand new factory doesn't pop up out of thin

He and his team keep making vile promises, and the left keeps getting told to shut the fuck up until he actually follows through on them.

Jeff Sessions was denied a judgeship literally for being too racist. That's an actually thing that actually happened. Why do you even waste your time coming here just to be an asshole every day?

Keep burying your head in the sand dude. It will make it much easier to live through the next four years if you refuse to accept reality.

Just yesterday a Trump surrogate, YESTERDAY, brought up concentration camps as a legal precedent for Trump to act on his worst threats.

Or even if he was just picking relatively sane republicans for his cabinet. I'd even take the old school, probably racist but knows enough to keep quite about it, republicans. But he's done absolutely nothing in the last week and a half to even attempt to act like he's not going to make good on his worst threats.

This is the worst thing that Kanye has done. Previously he'd say some moderately annoying things, then apologize, then repeat. He's never actively supported a dictator that wants to re-institute concentration camps before.

Ways you can tell someone is a fan of something: when they go out of their way to say "I'm not fan, but…"

Early in the campaign season I heard a story on NPR about Trump in the 80s, and how he always wanted to be seen at the flashiest clubs with the most beautiful woman. But when he'd bring these woman home with him, he'd leave them downstairs and to go watch TV alone upstairs and eat candy. That struck me as profoundly

Don't be foolish. Only white men get to be proudly incompetent and still get the job.

It always has been. Madison and Milwaukee are just doing a shittier job covering for their asshole neighbors now.

The left is too obsessed with people's feeling and PC culture, and also we voted for Trump because you said mean things about us. What?

The right did exactly the opposite of what they were supposed to, and won. So in 2020, I say we nominate an actual Muslim socialist from Kenya.

Probably about a 1% sway. Which would have been really fucking nice to have in PA, WI, MI and FL.

Politicians love to stretch facts to fit their narrative. To only use stats that support their argument and ignore those that don't. They may lie by omission. But they almost never just outright lie, because it is far too easy to catch. What Trump realized was that if you only lied, eventually the general public will

I'm not 100% sure, but I believe this is what led my mother down her new right wing path. She'd always been a former hippy, all natural, healing crystals type weirdo, with no real care for politics at large. As she started to get more and more distrustful of GMOs and other food additives, she decided she didn't trust

Forget campaign Trump. What has Trump done in the last week that even hints that might be possible? So far he's hired two proud racists and continued a petty Twitter war with the New York Times. And his infrastructure plan has absolutely no plan.

But research doesn't support that. The midwest counties where Trump made the most gains over Obama are the ones that are generally in a better place than they were 8 years ago.

Obama ran a famously not racial campaign, at the criticism to many minority groups that wanted their voices to be louder. When white people, even liberals, hear more about race, the majority drift to the right on politics (there's some good articles on 538 about this). The fact remains that Trump's only coherent