The Devil and John Berryman

The superdelegates did not, and have never, tipped the balance in a Dem primary.

And yet, in Colorado, universal healthcare got demolished. The general public is not excited for far left agendas, no matter how much we want them to be.

I imagine he might have done a tick better in Michigan, but he would have not gotten the moderate Republican support that Hillary had.

Dude, go outside, smoke a joint, have a beer. Go celebrate your win. why the fuck are you bothering commenting on the AV Club?

Old as fuck. You assume positive and think in 8 year terms.

Can we build a wall, and make Breitbart pay for it?

PC Police = people saying "huh, odd there aren't more woman around, right?"

yeah, but probably not.

Can I just say that the idea of a 2020 election is just so delightful. Not that I expect the Dems to get their shit together by then and win, but just the idea that we'll still be a democracy in four years makes me smile.

But she'd be the oldest President ever elected. You want someone viable for 8 years. I love her, but I don't see the general public going crazy for a 71 year old. That was one of the knocks on Hillary and she's 69.

They're both too old.

As a reminder, our current President elect got his start in politics by spending 5+ years claiming Obama was not born in America.

Obama confirms Garland.

I'm sure he'll have a prominent role in Trump's administration.

That's our Pepe!

Maybe you should watch the show and decide. But Dassey was undeniably railroaded.

Since she didn't threaten to limit their constitutional rights I wouldn't understand why, but if they peacefully assembled I wouldn't really care. In fact, this is exactly what happened in Obama's first term when the Tea Party became a thing.

Isn't it cute that they thought requiring registration to comment would cut down on abuse? Ah, simpler times for America.

No, it wasn't. They didn't use a third party. It was just your AV Club account and was their own in house system.

Oh, so just the standard protests that have occurred in our country since it's inception. Got it.