The Devil and John Berryman

I don't believe you've ever actually met a millennial in real life. Those aren't things people talk about on a daily basis.

They still won't vote. Or they'll just vote for a third party again to show everyone how edgy they are.

You're friends sound incredibly stupid. Like, huffed paint as toddlers stupid.

I honestly can't tell anymore who is being sarcastic and who isn't.

All we have to do is wait for the angry white people that put all of their hopes in Trump to turn on him when he doesn't fix everything. Because, of course, that is what always happens.

Oh fuck off with that line of horse shit. The voters cost Bernie the nom by not voting for him.

I'm starting to think you've never actually heard Trump talk. Or you have serious brain damage.

The moment he mainstreams white supremacy? Congrats, and welcome to our side! That just happened when he placed Bannon as his top advisor.

You've gone full on self parody dude. And you say all men say stuff like that, then immediately contradict yourself by saying male liberal cucks don't. The insecure micro-penised guys that you hang out with and try desperately not think about while you're jerking off might say stuff like that, but, no, most people

The filibuster is a senate rule, not constitutional. It's as good as gone.

Less than 25% of our population voted for him.

We elected a stupid, backwards racist. People either voted for that, or were OK overlooking it, but they did it.

With Dems main source of support coming from dense urban centers, there is almost no way for the inverse to happen. You need to have broad support spread over a huge geographic area, which will always be their biggest weakness.

Some comments…ABOUT WHAT HE WOULD FUCKING DO! People are comparing him to Hitler based on the policy he himself said he would implement. Our only hope is that he's a giant fucking liar. Which, of course, is entirely plausible, but it's a little absurd for Trump supporters to tell people to relax because maybe he won't

There was one lesson this campaign, and that's be as awful as possible. Don't show any respect to the opposition, demonize as many people as possible, so long as it gives you power. Compare the two Conventions, and you tell me which one should have been a beacon of hope for our country. The GOP lowered the bar, don't

I consider them less genuine when they aren't based on reality.

I thin your issue is with shitty website headlines rather than the show itself. And I seriously doubt that coal miners have a god damn clue who John Oliver even is, let alone voting against their own self interest just to knock him down a peg.

So if he isn't going to change anything, what was the fucking point of voting for the person that said they were going to change everything?

People are scared of the actual fucking policy that the President elect has stated out of his own fucking mouth. People were scared that Obama was going to steal their guns and force them into Muslim re-education centers for…reasons.

The public wants a reality show president, let's just fucking nominate Oprah, and promise every working family that a car will arrive in their drive way the day after the election.