The Devil and John Berryman

Typical libtard, ignorant of facts. His policy clearly states that white woman that are 8s or higher are exempt. Minority woman must be a full 10 to earn their exemption.

But they have a record on their social media of saying the exact opposite. When that pops up on their "On this Day" feed next year, do they just chuckle to themselves?

My mom told me the same thing. Then I told her to go fuck herself. When she looked at me aghast that I would speak to her that way, I told her she could thank her candidate for normalizing that language.

Jokes and mockery is how Trump got elected.

"He meant a metaphorical gas chamber!"

Republican voters in a nutshell: I'm on record as being against this thing, but so long as it meets my specific desires I'm totally fine being a hypocrite.

That was my one hope, the one thing I was clinging too. That he went full racist for the election knowing it was his only hail mary, but now that it worked he'd actually try to use some of his bargaining power he claims is so great. Then he went and appoint Steve Bannon to a position of power, and I'm reminded why

He is going to be obsessed with his approval rating. When it starts to plummet, and when the wall isn't being built and Muslims still exist and factories don't rise from the dead it will, he's going to be looking for an out and a scapegoat.

There's not a single person in America that loved the electoral college at any point in recent memory. Understanding how it works, and why a blue wall would be necessary, is not at all the same as adoring it.

The 2016 version of "The Talk," where embarrassed children sit their parents down, and explain what the fuck they just voted for.

If we're just being crass capitalist, a Trump presidency is probably the single greatest thing that could ever happen to John Oliver. Assuming he isn't deported on Jan 21.

Republicans thought Obama was out golfing too much? Wait until they see Trump's NYC travel itineraries.

One thing I'm genuinely curious about is how Trump supporters rationalize all the establishment cabinet choices. All of a sudden you don't see #Draingtheswamp all over social media. Are they just going to act like that never happened?

Whatever gay-bashing initiatives that Pence wants in place will happen with or without Trump in the oval office. Might as well hope for Pence, so at least we probably won't all die in a nuclear apocalypse.

Did you miss the season where she was recalled because the public didn't like a competent woman in power?

Exactly. If anything the message is go as low as possible, be as vulgar as possible, and most of all, never respect your opponents.

Your argument is we need to unify around Trump so we don't act as disrespectful as he does to everyone he encounters? Okay.

There have been 2 or 3 verified reports of Trump supporters being attacked, which is 2 or 3 too many. Meanwhile, there are thousands of reports of violence and hate speech committed by Pro Trumpers. You can't dismiss that while focusing on the sad but much less prevalent violence of your choosing.

"Trump has sure emboldened a lot of angry violence"

As I was driving through an intersection today, an SUV cut me off by turning directly in front of me. Typical I'd swear at them loudly in my car. But as they completed their turn, their Trump sticker came clear in to view. Of course they feel entitled to take whats not theirs, and put others needlessly at risk while