The Devil and John Berryman

If there was tape of me begging Donald Trump to run for President, you better believe I'd be apologizing. And drinking, heavily.

I'm willing to bet they spend their time and money grooming Rubio into something resembling a passionate public speaker. In all likelihood, it's going to be the Hispanic and Latino vote that stops Trump, so they need a bigly play.

Clinton will probably, hopefully win. But it's going to be really, really, really fucking close. The more raw votes she has, the more "mandate" she has, and the less likely for Congress to start impeachment proceedings on January 21.

*Reads article. Reads it again.*

Obama hasn't been able to do anything because congress has refused to do their job during his entire tenure. Trump has them eating out of his tiny hands. And he will, absolutely, use nukes the second he has the opportunity.

In my America, we speak American, god dammit. I don't know what bullshit garble that was supposed to be, but it certainly wasn't fucking 'Merican. Git out!

That's exactly what worries me, because everything about Trump is a walking, groping unprecedented action in American history. Logic says he shouldn't win, but logic says he shouldn't have received more than 5% of the vote in the primary.

Between the Indians logo and the fact that they'll probably go Trump this year, the people of Ohio sure do have a thing for racist cartoons. Fuck them.

For a second I thought you were going to say that you and your brother posed as online child predators just so you could meet Shaq.

So…you're still confident right? Please, tell me you are still fucking confident.

I can accept that other people have different experiences and beliefs then myself. But I just don't understand when logic is completely broken in someone's brain. You can believe that rich and powerful urban elites don't understand your rural plight, but you don't then ask a rich urban elite to represent you. You can

I get that for some conservatives it's tough to accept a black President. But couldn't they have picked any of the infinite other white world leaders to worship, maybe one that was, like, slightly less of a fascist dictator?

I think he's one of those sell outs that went right when they grew up and got money.

Unfortunately, after the election, Mr. Trump is going to use his free time to actually respond to every single person that mocked him online.

Alpha's murdering worthless beta cucks for their food is exactly what this country needs to get back on track. Enough of this PC nonsense that everyone deserves life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

I think the part people don't believe is that a birther would have any friends.

I'm in Florida, and have NO idea how it's shaping here. I'm in a red corner of a blue county, and I'm not seeing any signage for either candidate. The previous two elections I saw a TON of pro-McCain/Romney bumper stickers on the backs of pickup trucks, next to their "FL Born & Raised" stickers. The lack of Trump

If your end goal is less war, honestly, how does voting Green or Libertarian help that cause? Those are also two parties with vastly different platforms. It seems more like your end goal is to raise a middle finger to Democrats than anything else.

I know logically you are correct. But 2016 has just been too awful to end on a positive note. And taken individually, Trump winning NV, FL and NC wouldn't be shocking. If that happens. the big blue wall is suddenly just NH.

I told Dik just yesterday that his faith was all that was keeping me going. But…I think I'm done. I think Trump is actually going to win, and I need to spend my last week prepping my emergency bunker with enough beer and analog porn to last four years.