The Devil and John Berryman

Spin Doctors

Anti-white bigotry is not a thing, though. At least not in any tangible way that has any negative effect on their ability to live. PS - I'm white. It's great, because I never have to worry about being shot just for wearing my favorite hoodie.

Because making fun of white people is hilarious. They're the worst!

I can accept that someone is new to the country, but I can't accept that they never killed an entire Sunday while hungover watching a Law & Order marathon.

I've never forgiven them for Jay Leno.

By your logic, wouldn't the hecklers also have violated Schumer's freedom of speech by demanding she not discuss politics? We won't be truly free until everyone is just yelling at the same time as everyone else so nothing can ever be communicated.

So you're just going to move right past the story you posted twice when confronted with minimal evidence? Cool.

Making a terrible assumption that you actually care about the facts of that case, the prosecutor specifically requested Clinton to defend the accused, Clinton asked to be removed, but was turned down. She was providing constitutionally mandated legal defense, even though she personally was not happy with it. She

I like how you posted this twice, but still couldn't figure out the proper spelling of "new."

Conveniently three weeks before an election? Or conveniently the very next day after he denied doing what he previously admitted to?

Or breweries. But these would be the same people that would get irate when informed that Miller Lite isn't on tap.

Kanye would probably start a military conflict over a Prime Minster not properly admiring Beyonce, but then release a masterpiece about how sad he was about it.

Anthony Weiner. The only time I ever voted third party for a major election was against Rod Blagojevich for Illinois Governor. But, if I'm being completely honest with myself, it probably had less to do with the behavior that ultimately sent him to jail, and more with him being a douche bag Cubs fan.

What, Mons Venus isn't good enough for them anymore?

Hey, it's not their fault that their ideal society has never existed outside of mis-remembered dreams of the 1950s, simply because the parameters they demand would be economically and morally impossible to maintain!

I live in Orlando, which is a lovely little town that makes you forget that all of those Florida jokes have some merit. Then you take a drive to Lake or Seminole Counties, and realize the stereotypes are very much earned.

"The choice is obvi…wait, her?! Ah fuck, back to square one."

Both of those cities are very liberal, mostly due to the amount of transplants and young people there. But as soon as you leave the city limits and enter the suburbs you might as well be in Alabama.

The description of the event had the word "pussy" in it 15 times, but they failed to realize a woman would be saying it.

Maybe it's just me, but I never found the Wicked feminist ideology all that great. Just give me the old fashioned Wizard of Oz Feminist ideology, none of this re-imagined shit.