The Devil and John Berryman

Did this long con of yours start in the early 80s, when Trump rose to national celebrity, mostly by being a boastful piece of shit? Instead of stoking a racist, nationalist faction of the electorate into wanting a bloody revolution after the election was over, wouldn't it be much easier for a group with this much

You either inverted your figures, or you're just flat out lying. Various charity watch groups estimate that about 85-90% of the funds are put towards their programs.

At first, I wasn't so sure about her plan to update the national anthem to "March of the Pigs," but man has it made the start of sporting events way more exciting!

They have? You may be confusing a few Bernie Sanders friends on Facebook for all the journalists.

I have a real hard time believing any standard Trump supporter would have the foresight or know how to think through a conspiracy like that. But I also have a hard time believing any voter in NC would be that excited about Hillary to firebomb something for her.

If the only thing I considered when voting for President was how closely their views align with my own, I'd just write in my own name. But I'd be a terrible President.

That's the exact opposite implication. Saying you'll vote third party for President is saying that you only pay attention to national elections, and just ignore all of the other chances you have to vote for someone that more aligns with your values in local and state contests.

More Americans than ever before have health care, gay marriage is just a regular thing now, and our economy is well ahead of where it was left. Gah, why didn't he help to change anything?!

But that only works if the third party is actually viable. You can't claim a conspiracy against the "real" solution, when, more often than not, third party candidates are just wackier versions of the politicians we already have.

It's really not that hard to believe that Gary Johnson's username would be clownpenis.fart.

Getting upset that we only have two options in a national election is like not paying attention to baseball until the World Series starts, then being pissed that they aren't letting your favorite team play for the championship. We had a very long process of narrowing the candidates down from many to two. If you don't

You'll take bonkers over smart and calculating? Jesus fucking christ, what has happened to us.

He spent about half of his run time on the episode three weeks ago that looked at both of their scandals.

Can you get those at the Food and Stuff?

He was cool with the park concession stands being privatized, and allowing a corporation to sell whatever they want. If Lagavulin purchased the water pipes, then sold scotch directly to homes, he'd be all for it.

Since Ron Swanson is a Libertarian, it is very much in character to be ignorant about basic legal concepts.

"I'm sick of YouTube channel elitists pushing me around!"
-Trump voters, apparently

Trump and his campaign truly are, hyperbole free, evil. What's so fascinating about his rise is that he is so evil, so often, that those only keeping half an eye on him say things like "c'mon guys, he can't be that evil?" and it's helped him craft a narrative that everyone is out to get him. When really, he is that

At work yesterday someone said they wish we had hammocks in the office to nap in. I asked them if they checked out the selection in the hammock district. Everyone looked at my strangely then said "….no?" I hate them all.

People like Paula Deen have tried to paint him as some foodie elitist that only eats in Michelin starred restaurants. He may have some judgements about personal people (although that seems to have really mellowed as he's aged), he doesn't judge any general cuisine, region or venue as inferior.