The Devil and John Berryman

But where does Sydney Blumenthal fit in? THIS GOES ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP, MAN!

Trump being a human tire fire? Not Bush's fault. Actively engaging in, encouraging, and reveling in talk of sexual assault? That's on him. Even if didn't have the balls to stand up to Trump, but at least made an awkward laugh then tried to change the subject, he'd still have a job.

Once upon a time, I was sure Glen Beck only existed to make Bill O look sane. And now Alex Jones and the Breitbart brigade are making Beck look normal. Jesus Christ, what's going to happen in 2020 to make those fools look decent?

The number one rule of portmanteau-ing: it can never be too contrived!

I've only ever explored perpendicularly.

So do you not know who he is? Or do you think he's a weak minded foolish pundit?

Because this requires way less work and probably gets the same, or more, attention.

The problem is, every single part of Trump's rise to political prominence wasn't "meant to be taken literally." Build the wall? No, not a real one! Ban Muslims? No, I just mean look at them really close! At some point, he has to actually mean something he says, or accept that he's never actually said anything of

The more likely realization that the GOP will have is that Ted Cruz was just not hateful enough. "Teddy, baby, next time, please be more overt with your desire to kill homosexuals. Our voters don't do so well with subtlety."

The most vile dudes that are actually committing sexual assault and rape rarely consider it such. They might brag about "hooking up" with someone, and put it in terms of a consensual encounter even if it wasn't. But to understand that the contact is unwanted, and to brag about taking what's owed to you anyway, is a

Knowing someone's opinion doesn't bar the discussion of it when they offer further evidence to support it. For example, we all know Trump is a complete tire fire running as a totalitarian. Yet, it's still news when he proudly declares his disregard for democracy by wanting to jail his political enemies.

I'm sure there's a locker room in Trump Tower. And I'm sure it's an unimaginable hellscape.

"If you say the words 'Radical Islamic Terrorist' three times, ISIS disappears. Nothing is more important than words." - Donald Trump

Last time I flew on JAL they served Mos Burger for the midflight meal. I was the single greatest airline meal I've ever had.

A major party presidential candidate running on a platform that includes the expansion of unconstitutional criminal law enforcement is wholly unresponsible? Ok.

Jimmy isn't a good guy. You aren't supposed to root for him. Seek help immediately.

Guys, he was into rape stories before the Stanford swimmer. We're a bunch of bandwagon rape haters!

When woman dare have audacity to report their rape, they are reminded, over and over again, that sometimes false accusations occur. And sometimes they weren't dressed right. Or maybe they were in the wrong place. Because of this, many woman don't even report it.

Most people would support an overhaul to the use and execution of the sex offender list. This is another false dichotomy. You can be against rape and against innocent people being on the sex offender list.

Tell us where, in this law or in this comment section, it is stated that the threshold for conviction should be lowered? Is there a major issue with police escalating interactions with minorities? Of course. Has the war on drugs been a gigantic disaster that has destroyed communities? Of course. No one's arguing with