The Devil and John Berryman

Gun deaths are still a big thing.

Also funny, the current talking point de jour of the right is to remind everyone of the Dems role in slavery 150 years ago, while also embracing the history of the confederacy, slavery and racism in modern times. Which is it? Was slavery a horrible thing that the Democrats did, or was it just a silly little thing of

I can see splitting up Conservative/Right wing from republican. But after that, parsing the adjectives further and further seems like little more than semantics.

What do you mean by "multiple primaries"? She lost one primary, to Obama, in 2008. If you mean several states, well…every candidate does that.

She used to have a weekly column here that had it's ups and downs, but was never worse than boring, and was quite often fantastic. A sizable, and sad, portion of actual AV Club commenters, not the usual Breitbart trolls that usually infest the comments, decided she was the worst, and it turned the comments section

Anyone with even a passing knowledge of Dunham or Girls would know that "universally beloved" is not something that would ever be seriously said about her.

Why, just today I received an invite to a lesbian wedding. A wedding they know I cannot attend! And I now I'm supposed to buy them a gift?! Thanks Obama! I hope when Trump is in power, and the gays are put back in the closet where they belong, I'll get that $100 refunded.

Wait…who's ass am I up?! Dammit…I promised my wife I'd stop going into random ass…

I'm a contributing millennial asshole, so I think I'm good to carry on calling him a racist, yes?

That's all true, and if this were a normal election year with a normal candidate, that would be completely sane advice. But if at any point in the last week, any statistically significant portion of the country watched that convention and thought "yes! sign me up for this hellscape!" we are in serious trouble. Him

I'm a white male. No one's ever called me a racist because I don't say racist things, then claim I'm required to be an asshole because of the 1st amendment.

The all powerful Gay lobby strikes again! America is fed up with the constitutionally mandated same sex marriages! When will white men finally get some power around here?!

In order for third parties to be taken seriously, they would need to have serious candidates, not ones that are just wackier and crazier than the ones we already complain about being too crazy.

Should celebrities talk at political events? I don't know, maybe/maybe not. But it's really hard to level criticism against the DNC for doing it when the god damned nominee for the GOP is a millionaire celebrity.

If the requirement to be considered famous is having a $150m movie built around you, there are like 5 famous people in the world.

Headline that is also literally true: Sex is a gun and you’re ammunition in Smash Mouth’s new EDM jam

It's amazing how much the right cares about sexual assault when they can pin it on a woman or the LGBT community.

I'm sure that's why conservatives hate her.

No, she is. Can't have no young woman expressing their own opinions. That's the job for a man!

This one piece of spam contains far more concrete figures than any speech Donald Trump has given.