The Devil and John Berryman

The writer and star of a low rated but critically acclaimed series on HBO: truly, America's greatest monster.

It's starting to make a lot of sense why conservatives think liberals are monsters when they don't understand sarcasm at all.

The old, "I know you are, but what am I?" Masterfully played JB!*

Do conservatives really have that hard of a time understanding sarcasm? I'm not sure what's a worse omen for the lack of critical thinking skills in our country; that people would take this headline at it's word, or that they take Trump at his.

Sarcasm isn't your thing, is it?

Chili or Bust!

Dem voters need to realize that there other elections besides President. If they didn't take every mid-term off, we wouldn't lose any momentum from a sitting D president, and there would be a much greater farm system of younger, liberal politicians to eventually be in a pool for national elections.

There are times when I'm honestly jealous of my undecided and Trump voting coworkers/family. I really wish I was blissfully ignorant enough to not be terrified at the thought.

Nate Silver personally underestimated how far he'd be able to go, but their official predictions based on available polling were spot on.

No, they haven't. Like, at all. They're primary models were dead on, with the only real miss being MI because it was a historic upset.

It may not cost her, but there is a significant enough that could decide a close election.

I'm supposedly a millennial myself, although I've never considered myself one since I came on the heals of Gen X. Millennial bashing always seemed so lame to me, the sort of generational hand wringing that happens anytime a new demo comes of age. But seeing the selfishness and short shortsightedness of the Bernie's

I think a bunch of Bernie supports think that is accurate, which is why they feel entitled to stay at home or vote for a third party. The thought isn't even crossing their mind that they might be throwing the country away because they didn't get what they wanted.

That's known as a "millennial."

It seems like a whole lot of these Bernie or Busters are taking a Clinton win for granted. It's easy to stomp your feet and throw a tantrum when you know that in the end, things will mostly be OK, even if they aren't as OK as you want. But they are quickly becoming key pieces in a machine that just might hand this

Did the PUMA's bring this shit to the convention that year? I honestly don't know, but I feel like the answer is mostly no.

Yeah, somewhere along the way people decided that if you didn't agree with someone 100% of the time, they were a lesser of two evils. I'll the 80% or so of things I agree with HRC on than whatever vision of hell Trump has in mind for us.

That's true about much of the South. North Carolina and Georgia are also two great places that are ruined by evil politics.

I've yet to visit any area in the rural north that isn't convinced it is, or at least wishes it was, part of the Confederacy.

It was much more enjoyable this year. Not as great as the first season, but nowhere near the slog it was last year.