The Devil and John Berryman

And all of the progressives seem to have forgotten that they loved her when she was Secretary of State. Her approval rating was usually much higher than the President's. People hate her when she's actually campaigning because she's not great at it, but love her when she's on the job.

Is this about the series Stranger Things? Who's name is specifically mentioned within the first two words of the article titles? Who can say for sure I guess.

Spoiler alert: an article about a series will in almost all cases contain spoilers about said series.

I really, really don't like The Goonies. And I loved this show.

We can debate those points in circles. My point was that those things fly in the face of your claim to support freedom and liberty to matter the cost. No matter the cost would mean sometimes illegal immigrants get through, or a terrorist kills people. You aren't advocating at all for freedom and liberty above all

That was my biggest surprise too. The convention is supposed to be a week long commercial for how awesome your party is and how great the country is going to be if they win. This was dystopian nightmare fuel. It's like the RNC just watched Mad Max: Fury Road, but thought that Immortan Joe was the hero.

Wait…which one do you prefer? Because the candidate you're backing wants to build a wall around us, deport people of the wrong religion, and dismantle the first amendment. I have to hope you don't believe that falls into the "liberty and freedom no matter the risk" camp.

And here we go. In the end, it's not about what anyone says. It just feels right in his gut. He can hold Hillary to the fire for things she's said, but things that Trump said? Eh. You can support someone for any reason you want, just don't act like you have a logical leg to stand on when doing so.

And we've reached the non-sequitur, free form poetry portion of the program.

You're frightened of moderate left-of-center Supreme Court justices?

Wait until he sees the gay orgy that goes on every weekend.

Christie was calling for the imprisonment of Clinton over BENGHAZI! If we're going to start imprisoning our political leaders over our citizens being killed abroad, there are probably other living former office holders that have a body count higher than four.

The conservative form of discussion. You know, where they say horrible things, then claim their free speech is being infringed upon when someone responds.

Serious question. Have you ever heard Trump speak? All of the worst nightmares people have about Clinton are fully, proudly on display with Trump.

The most divisive thing Obama has ever done was be born black. End of discussion.

If Trump ever laid out a criticism as clear as what Stewart did almost nightly on TDS I'd be incredibly impressed. It's not that I don't agree with Trump, it's that he says pretty much nothing. Give me a piece by piece attack on things that Clinton has done that are counter to her claims now. I may not agree with all

idiot liberals need the most attention.

I was born in Illinois and spent much of my life in Wisconsin. There are plenty of rubes to go around. They aren't rubes because of where they're from, they're rubes because they continue to buy in this bullshit that supporting only the wealthy will somehow eventually trickle down to them, despite decades of evidence

I do love that cop-loving liberals is now a pejorative stereotype. I thought we helped coordinate cop killings? I need to keep up with our department newsletters.

The CBS CEO? You mean Leslie Moonves? Who said that he loved the Trump campaign because it was bringing him record ad revenue?