The Devil and John Berryman

That's what makes me want to pound my head against a wall. Want to make a claim that McCain or Romney would have put us in an even better position than Obama? Fine, sure, go ahead and try. But to act like we're somehow worse off than 8 years ago is pure, unadulterated fantasy. There is no single measurable metric that

Reruns? Baio will be required to perform one man performances of Trump's Charles in Charge fan fiction 20 hours a day.

Just remember: wanting to provide affordable healthcare is the real fascism.

But I thought Leslie Jones was the crybaby that is too thin skinned, and Milo, the American hero, is too much of a man to let criticism get to him??

It's true. That's why it's always the damned Democrats that fight for the right to fly the confederate flag on the grounds of respecting their history, and defend the civil war as a battle for states rights against an oppressive, overbloated federal government.

The non-cynical answer is that poor film making is poor film making, no matter the intended audience. You could make the same argument about the target audience not caring about the critical reception for a whole boat load of movies that are released in a given year, not just the political/religious propaganda. That

The only candidate who has openly expressed a desire to curtail speech he doesn't like is Donald Trump. And it wasn't all that long ago.

It's about ethics in propaganda film journalism.

*citation needed

1.) This show has adolescent cast members, but certainly doesn't feel like it's aimed at that demographic
2.) Family movies from the era depicted totally had this much smoking.

I have the game and play it a on and off throughout the day, even though I'm awful at everything besides picking up the shitty Pokemon. But this game really has made going anywhere with people unbearable. More so than usual at least. Try walking through a mall or other pedestrian heavy area without 75% of those around

That's all I've done for a week, and it's getting super boring. I went into a gym once, got my ass kicked, and couldn't figure out what the fuck was going on.

Maybe there is a valid point hidden in there about the line between hate speech and unpopular opinions being thin. But in this instance, the pure, uncut racism that was being exposed leave very little up to interpretation. I'm happy to revisit this argument the next time someone is banned from a popular communication

So what exactly are your advocating for? Just endless complaining that leads to nothing?

The context of that tweet is "White Becky" was one of the people tweeting racist shit. It sounds like your making one of those "liberals are intolerant of intolerance" bullshit false equivalencies.

Why the fuck was he even having a press conference about Orlando? His Twitter access was revoked due to the mass Islamophobia he was promoting.

Ok, then what about the people, like Milo, using their speech to stifle and silence minorities?

Racist and sexist speech is pretty much universally considered hate speech.

"Maybe Obama isn't a terrorist, he just has different opinions about what's best?"

Claiming he didn't engage in hate speech, then dropping in "because she looks like a man" as some sort of fact really isn't helping your cause dude.