The Devil and John Berryman

He doesn't care? Do you know what any of those words mean? He's throwing a fucking tantrum.

One time I was managing a golf tournament in Florida, near Larry the Cable guy's home. He showed up to the course (apparently he was a member, even though he was dressed in his nicest denim cutoffs), walked into my private event, and proceeded to eat a bunch of the food that I paid for. The guy's a commie.

Isn't that 4Chan and Reddit?

It is not a public forum like Central Park because it's not public. A better example would be the lobby of the Twitter building. And they would be allowed to kick you out of the lobby for any reason they damn well want.

So there are older republicans that make more sense?

Short version: Certain video game players were convinced that gaming publications were being overly PC in their gaming coverage. The end result is that many of these gamers started to harass and threaten woman who dare speak their opinions. All in all, one of the uglier episodes of the internet's history.

But that's the point. Life isn't lived in a vacuum, and his past actions gave him little benefit of the doubt.

I really want to see the flow chart of how they think that will work.

They did a fantastic FYC on election coverage a few months ago, specifically analyzing the staging and production of it. It was completely in their wheelhouse, and one of the best things they've done in a while.

It's their own platform. That's like getting mad at a store for promoting specific products on end caps.

Spoiler alert for this hypothetical episode of South Park: in the end, both sides were equally wrong!

The PC hating right is nothing but delicious irony. They're convinced that the PC police are the greatest threat to our democracy. But if you dare not wish them a Merry Christmas? Or don't mention god enough around them? WE'RE BEING PERSECUTED!

If young people get off of their asses and vote, then yes.

Glen Beck was massive before any mainstream liberal heard of him. These sorts of people hold incredibly sway over much of our country, so it's best to know who they are and what their insane beliefs are.

And I don't doubt for a second that there were plenty of southern plantation owners who desperately wanted black dick.

Corporations are people, and our country's greatest asset!!*

It matters how he loses. If it's a Clinton landslide, and there is a clear majority rejecting his view of the world, I think most of the racists will keep to their scary corners of country, and continue bitching to each other about how horrible life is. But if it's a close election that Clinton eeks out, the

Maybe the most underrated attraction in their portfolio. It's stunning, and a great AC reprieve in the middle of summer.

My mom thinks she felt a ghost at Gettysburg, which set her down a path of conspiracy theories, eventually ending with Obama being a terrorist. But if you avoid the racist ghosts, it is incredible.