The Devil and John Berryman

Even two days in, the entire convention has been terrifying. Conventions are always bullshit, but it's usually of the "rah rah" overly enthusiastic cheerleader variety. This year they aren't even trying to sugar coat the horrifying vision they have for the future.

As low as GW's were at this point in 2004. Remember how great life was under President Kerry?

I don't think any of the pavilions are paid for by the host countries any longer, which is why Epcot is in the shape that it's in.

Me either. That's really the main selling point of not having conservative friends.

-Trump 2016

I'm struggling to see how that would be any better, even marginally so.

How come I have a feeling it's the penultimate word you have the real issue with? Especially since there isn't any evidence to support your claims of her being overly sick.

Since Steve King was responsible for this gem…maybe we just listen to our Founding Fathers and stop giving power to Kings.

There was a tweet I saw after the Dallas shooting that said something to the effect of "These police officers went to protect the lives of the people that were just protesting against them," and it just made me so sad. That's not what they were protesting, and the fact that one side doesn't even acknowledge there is

What about the part where a current Congressman asked what non-whites ever did for civilization?

For a collection of voters that believe Obama is literally a Muslim terrorist, it has to be pretty terrifying to know that the wife of your beloved candidate is either purposefully copying off of Michelle Obama, or, worse yet, had actual thoughts and feelings in common with her.

It makes me so sad that Trump is such a complete tire fire of a person. If he was just the usual sort of bland, sub-textually racist GOP candidate that I may not like, but don't fear would actually bring about the apocalypse, this campaign season would be so much more fun to watch.

Are you really that baffled that a megalomaniac would only care about himself?

The product of social media is their user interaction. They aren't passively reading or viewing someone else's content while also viewing ads. They themselves are the content creators.

Well…it's hard to argue when the male oriented Shitty Reboots 1 - 998776 were at worst ignored and at best championed as fun nostalgia.

The end users are absolutely the stake holders of social media. They make no revenue if they don't keep users around to view them.

My question would be is this really an issue that needs addressing? Or is it a conservative group trying to score easy political points against a fake liberal strawman?

It's not supposed to be. But plenty of people create fake accounts simply to keep trolling. But the idea behind Facebook powered comments is that if it's tied to your real account, it will limit the number of assholes. And, sadly, it's not the case.

I didn't bother doing any research on him until the latest DePaul flap, and I was honestly shocked to find out he was gay. Being a mainstream conservative and gay has to be hard enough, but to run with that particular strain of mouth breathing, hate fueled fascism while being a member of any minority group has to

You do have celebrities like Kevin Hart and The Rock who are absolutely more popular and better paid due to their massive online followings.