The Devil and John Berryman

There isn't so much a hivemind, as this is one of the rare places on the internet where most commenters don't go out of their way to be complete fucking assholes. But I can see where you'd be confused.

So you've never waded into the ESPN comments, powered by Facebook, have you?

Yes, that's the important take away here. Well done!

By "pass", do you mean casually defend racism via the old "sometimes people are mean to white people too!" trick?

One of the things I love most about Obama is his pragmatism. Everything he does has been carefully considered. He's in a no win situation with almost half of the country. They already think he's actively promoting terrorism against police. He's made it pretty clear where he sides if you read in between the lines.

Of course. You can find out when bars are tapping special and rare beers.

If you used your phone to abuse an individual person, yes, eventually your service could at least be blocked to that set number. And if you were using a service to broadcast hate speech to a wide audience, the provider would absolutely shut you down.

Actual quote from a coworker, on why Obama is a poor leader: "I just think for whatever reason [racism] seems to be a bigger issue now than it was 10 years ago. Can't we all just get along." Yes, for….whatever reason.

If it was just a general theme that felt similar, no, that wouldn't be plagiarism, since there are only like 3 topics ever discussed at a political event. But when whole sentences are almost word for word clones, that certainly rises to the definition.

I mostly agree with your sentiment. I don't think any attendee at the convention is out looking for a fight. But, don't discount one of the more ardent Trumpkins seeing a Muslim in the distance, or a black guy glancing at them, and all hell breaking loose.

I highly recommend checking out Joyce Manor. For what it's worth, I don't think this song sounds anything like them, but maybe it made more sense in dream logic.

Which is why we had the exact same outrage over the reboots of Robocop, Total Recall, Jurassic Park and Star Wars. Wait…no…that's not what happened at all.

Seeing all the woman kick ass during the final showdown was genuinely awesome.

All parties look awfully petty, but Swift definitely comes off the worst when you look back at her holier than thou reaction when the song first came out.

Trump doesn't want someone challenging his loud mouth credentials. He needs someone to be a subdued asshole, and Pence fits the bill perfectly.

I don't think anyone meets even that criteria.

It tells you how far to the right the GOP is when that seems like the most sensible choice.

I'd say both of your examples are more constricting. I'd run naked if it was socially acceptable, and my body wasn't a total disaster.

When I was in college I wrote pretty shitty music reviews for a pretty shitty website. Often I would have bouts of existential malaise, wondering how anyone could judge something as subjective as music, and what benefit could music critics bring to the world. I kept an MP3 of Good Charlotte's "The Anthem" on my

c) At the very least vote for all the other local elections in your jurisdiction that actually have a whole shit load more impact on your daily life than president, and would actually help to improve our candidate pool for future national elections.