The Devil and John Berryman

I don't think you know what majority means.

I was about to say, there are plenty of people making reasonable criticism's of this piece below, then I saw that the usual, late arriving, shit bag Disqus assholes showed up. As a white male, I saw this season as unquestionably taking the side of BLM, and laying blame squarely at the institutional racism that allows

I wouldn't wish death on a real inmate, but I absolutely wish death on this fictional character so she doesn't weight down a show I otherwise like.

And that's why I think it's important that he is the one to kill Pussey. It would be a bit of a cop out to have one of the more obvious racists do it. The point is that this entire system build upon institutional racism is what caused this, not just the acts of one lone wolf.

Individually, no. But it certainly is a symptom of what would be the biggest reason. He was treated as a harmless, goofy outsider, and given a free platform for years. If Newt Gingrich were the front runner saying the exact same things, he wouldn't have been given all the free airtime he received.

I'd wager a guess that if you were to go to Takei's Facebook page it has already happened thousands of times.

I avoided Captain America for a long time almost exactly for the reasons stated. But it became maybe my favorite comic book movie because it wasn't at all what I had pegged it as. Captain is just a good guy trying to do the right thing, even though half of the time it's his own people holding him back. So, pretty much

I didn't get around to watching Captain America until halfway through Agent Carter's first season. I really, really wanted to catch up on it, but ABC gave me no legal way to stream it, and I didn't feel like putting the effort into illegally finding it. So, thanks ABC!

I guess technically he's not wrong. If someone wins a three way race with 35% of the vote, 65% of the population would be united in hating them. Progress!

My now wife and I met very young, and have been together for going on 12 years. But for about 18 months in that time we were broken up because I made terrible and selfish decisions when I was young (or, if you're Dan Savage, I made great decisions and my wife is a fool for believing in the ideal of being with someone

That man? Joe Biden.

If we say the tax is going to support more viral videos, rather than something socialist like free education, I think we can get the nation behind it.

There is certainly an argument to be made that white moms that become viral hits get to go on talk shows and meet celebrities and get their kids college paid for, while black people that become viral hits tend to be of the "ain't no body got time for that" variety, and do little else but turn into memes that reinforce

I'm having no trouble on my computer, but there's no way for me to login from my phone. Which is fun.

What? They let woman play baseball now?! Fucking Obama…

They were born on second, but bitch if the black guy is called safe at first after a close play.

Is there a reclusive billionaire that's paying you every time you say "clickbait"? If there's one thing I learned on the internet today, it's that people only say things on the internet because they're paid to.

Sorry…my point was that it's not an illogical point to take in and of itself. But within the context of the conversation around it, it's clear that is not the reasoning behind much of the backlash.

I've used the internet over the past year and seen the rage filled comments regarding this movie. Maybe it's one dude under 1,000 different usernames.

We're going to build walls around clickbait. The biggest walls you've ever seen. And clickbait is going to pay for it.