The Devil and John Berryman

It may not be meaty, but that doesn't make it Clickbait. Now, if the article was entitled "Someone posted this comment on Reddit. You won't believe the response they got…" that would be something else all together.

Just remember, it's everyone else that's an oversensitive PC thug when they get upset after I casually inject racial and sexual slurs into conversation. But me being super angry over a movie with ladies? Completely acceptable.

My problem with this criticism has nothing to do with it being illogical and everything to do with this not being the first, or even the 1,000th, film to be rebooted, and that the intense hatred was so powerful from the moment it was announced that it's hard not to believe that a significant percentage was due to

Either way, sounds like a win.

Clickbait≠things you don't like.

Pro tip: if you feel the need to say "It has nothing to do with women," it makes it seem really likely it has something to do with the women.

So like most movies then.

I know! 48 is absurdly low. Bare minimum that's a top 25 comedy.

"Corruption isn't relative."

Are they though? In my experience they seem to spend most of their time inventing lame portmanteaus and thinking their argument is done.

Nobody is calling for the murder of police. They're calling for an end to the murder of so many blacks. Short of that, maybe at least prosecute the murders that already took place? But no where on that list of demands is the heads of police officers.

I bet that's not the first time you've had to say that.

People need to stop thinking that Obama's words are magic. Killing innocent police officers is heinous, no matter the reasoning. But if we were to isolate what stoked the fire that led to this tragedy, maybe let's pick the ongoing and regular murder of black folks for no reason, and not an incredibly tame and truthful

"There are other reasons to account for those stats"
Your response: "Then why aren't there similar statistics with other races?"

Hold up. Are you just straight up implying that blacks are inherently more violent and crime prone? Because, holy shit dude. That's like some 1800s throwback shit.

I don't know, maybe? I'm sure some country singer would be interested in it. But if you are trying to equate decades of documented institutional racism with one act of (terrible) violence, then you're just wrong, and probably have some ulterior movies.

I've been trying to find a way to express those emotions all day, and was unable to think of anything that didn't make me sound like I was anything other than sad about Dallas. I am. Don't shoot people, full stop. But something about how now white people feel the need to change things really bugged me. What about all

At least you got to see a Championship before it all came crumbling down.

Short answer, "yes" with an "if." Long answer, "no" with a "but."

Or when NRA members say we need our guns to protect ourselves against the government. How exactly do they think that would play out?