The Devil and John Berryman

It's also funny when people think they are making a serious point but their conversation with LOL.

It does all of the time. Even the use of the word literally now often literally means the exact opposite of literally.

Killer Mike is a very well respected musician and activist. He holds sway in many political circles. They may not be circles you are familiar with, but he's a popular and respected figure none the less. Maybe your argument would hold more water if you weren't arguing that all lives matter while at the same time

Considering that they police tweeted out a photo of the wrong person asking for help in capturing their suspect, I don't think we should be executing people on sight.

White people and black people live in two entirely different countries. One of the major reasons this continues to be the case is that so many white people just refuse to believe that it's true. They aren't racists per se, but they allow racists institutions to continue existing because they've never personally

The point is no one denies that white lives matter. That's just taken as a statement of fact. Singling out the unique black experience is precisely the point. Diluting the message so white people don't feel left out is useless, and is the sort of PC sugar coating that so many who use the phrase claim they are against.

It's used only as a response to "Black Lives Matter." In that context I think it's pretty obvious what they're trying to whistle.

The entire existence of All Lives Matter is to allow white people to continue ignoring that they are born into privileged. ALM has placed a silent "Only" in front "Black Lives Matter," when really it's an implied "too" at the end.

Fox News and the Blaze are businesses. And they have sponsors.

They posted an article on Beyonce yesterday afternoon. Killer Mike is one of the most beloved musicians amongst the AV Club and their readers, so this seems perfectly cromulent.

Well…yes on the American scale. She's running for US president, and falls well within the usual spectrum of Democratic Presidential nominees. Half of our country thinks that Obama wants to put us all in Muslim indoctrination camps. Having a sane person to vote for is about the best we hope for.

You mean besides the millions upon millions of people that have already voted for her? There are plenty of faults to find in her, but that no members of the Democratic party support her is certainly not one of them.

When the NRA says we need to keep our weapons to protect us against the government, what exactly to people think that would look like? And too bad there weren't more good guys with guns around.

She's moderately left, like all Democratic presidents are. That may not be an improvement, but it's certainly not new or different. And if your theoretical gay Republican president dragged the party into the 21st century, where they stopped giving a shit about minorities taking away rights from all the good, god

Of course there are young republicans and old democrats, but the demographic breakout of the groups certainly tells you which one is older and angrier.

Having watched a loved one turn into a Trumpkin, I can say that it 100% happened because she's getting old and confused. My mom was always left leaning, but never outwardly political. Then she married a horrible guy late in her life, they made terrible, terrible business decisions together, and then he left her full

Check back in 24 hours. Once the humans have left, they move in.

There is certainly some truth to it. But the degrees to which it happens is not the same. Lots of people on the left go "How the hell can anyone vote for this racist?" and then people on the right go "I think Obama is a Muslim terrorist and wants to enslave us all." Wait…what?

Screwing us over in the same way we've been screwed over for our entire history, and rounding up immigrants and Muslims, are pretty fucking different.

My dad resents that. And my mom is mad you didn't mention her. Because she's a moron.