The Devil and John Berryman

Body cameras is one of those those solutions that seems like a good idea, even though it won't really solve anything. Sort of like banning only assault rifles will somehow stop our shooting epidemic. There are too many damn variables with the cameras. Who stores the footage, who gets to review it, how are they turned

You know how white people freak the fuck out when they see a Muslim in traditional garb? Now just imagine that happened every time you saw a cop, and it was actually justified!

I really had no idea about the rate lowering so much in the winter. See how many things you learn by making flippant remarks on the internet? I'm out of state now, but spent most of my life in Chicago.

Killed by armed members of the government! Isn't that like the number one thing second amendment defenders use to justify their need for weapons?

Isn't it amazing how much crossover there is between people who claim we need to be armed to protect ourselves from the government and people who think it's totally OK for the government to kill black people without cause?

That's why there's no murder in Chicago.

That's their whole thing, and they are fucking fantastic at it. They manage to redirect every conversation away from their faults and on to their critics. It's vile, but also politically brilliant that they've managed to pull such audacious, bold face lies off. If the democrats had half of the messaging ability of the

Oh…so no then.

So…you didn't read the article at all, did you?

She is! She gave me a donut at a suburban Chicago train stop when she was first running for State Senate. She knows the way to my heart.

I just discovered Jeff Rosenstock like 3 weeks ago, and it's all I can listen to.

He did try to turn the Istanbul attack into a chance to reject Syrian refugees. You're correct that he is very moderate, and 10-15 years ago he would have been your run of the mill republican. But in today's GOP he might as well be a socialist.

Mark Kirk is easily the sanest member of the GOP in congress, which doesn't say much. I could kind of seeing a line of thought that thinks Kirk winning would encourage a sane party, because if he lost the lesson the GOP will learn is never, ever break party lines.

But this record is better than anything Alkaline Trio has done since at least Agony & Irony.

Or The Falcon AV Club Undercover from this week.

If you had a patent for a working face melting laser, that would legit scare me as well.

It's not. They are both douchey and both should be ended. But compounding douchery with more douchery helps nothing.

Are you counting national family restaurant chains such as Chili's and Friday's as sports bars? If not, I can't possibly see how sports bars would outnumber all other types of bars. I can probably think of 4 or 5 actual sports bars in my area, compared to a whole lot more beer bars, wine bars, dive bars, cocktail bars

It sounds like you hang out with some pretty shitty people then, which kind of explains all of your hostility.

You were either misinformed, or, more likely, no one's ever actually said that to you.