The Devil and John Berryman

I'm pretty sure plenty of people are outraged at the prevalence of rape. That is what makes this specific case so enraging. A case is finally brought forward, and a conviction is finally been made. This pretty much never happens. And then, after all of that, it's still swept under the rug. Acting like this happened in

Looking over both shoulders before whispering "…immigrants…" has to be pretty close on that list.

Depends what your definition of "fine" is. I wouldn't consider regular wars with neighboring nations to be fine, but maybe you do.

They didn't want to set the precedent of allowing a private group to develop land near the lakefront.

The lesson is, all old people suck.

For one thing, it's no longer the fifth largest economy in the world due to the huge loss of the pound.

It might be fun to get out your aggression by kidnapping and beating any visiting American millionaire douchebags.

I did expect to be able to use the vouchers for concerts that were included on their list and not marked as sold out. So far I've struck out 3 times today with events that Ticketmaster themselves has deemed as available.

I have co-workers in London and they are still in shock. They knew it would be close, but were sure common sense would prevail in the end.

Pitchfork has a great article on how leaving the EU will send shockwaves through the music industry, which is the sort of angle I wish the AV Club would have taken. But a quick piece on a celebrity twitter feed is much easier to write I suppose.

I don't buy that at all. I think a certain segment of the population feels like political correctness is one of our great crises, that they aren't allowed to mock minorities or the disabled anymore. You don't have politicians putting up "Make America White Again" billboards, and saying they have been influenced by

If they don't want to be considered racists xenophobes, maybe don't support someone who's entire platform is based upon being a proud racist xenophobe.

Yes, yes. It is the Remain camp that's resorting to scaremongering bullshit with no basis in reality…

The NFL tried to suspend Peterson longer, but was blocked by an appeals court. People were rightfully pissed at Peterson, but he didn't drag everything out, whining that he deserved nothing. He sat out a year and came back. Just sit out 4 games, let the Pats go 3-1 with Jimmy, and no one will give a shit Tom.

If you have an ice cream maker, take any imperial porter or stout, boil some of the water out, and add it to a standard vanilla recipe. It's fantastic.

Food forward beer is pretty much all that Funky Buddha makes, and they're all fucking delicious.

It's likely to come out that a number of the dead in Orlando were killed by police gunfire. This isn't a knock on the police there, that by and large performed admirably, and were only put in the situation due to the acts of one person. However, if even the trained police aren't able to protect against friendly fire,

Can I have two orders of bread if I give up my circus tickets?

It just looks so cheap. Like one of an infinite number of bullshit blogs with no actual content.

They are SO fucking smug about their "ownership" structure. When in reality all they have is a worthless piece of paper, and they helped to make millionaires even richer.