The Devil and John Berryman

I don't get it either. It's not like random assholes spend their free time mocking the appearances of actresses that would cause them psychological issues or anything.

There's like a 45% chance Trump actually wrote this.

The media is too damn clueless to have some organized agenda. They cover whatever requires the minimum amount of work and money to still say someone financially solvent. That typically manifests itself in giving a free pass to the extreme fringe on the right, because who has time for research, man.

That's a pretty foreign sounding name you just came up with. We're going to need to bring you in for some questioning.

I don't know if I'd commend you, but I wouldn't yell "Fuck you!" to your face either. Because I'm not a piece of shit telling you how to spend your charity.

The wife of Kim Davis' lawyer encouraged people to start bringing their weapons with them to the bathroom once transgender people were allowed in. So, yeah, that's literally what they were promoting.

Bravo. Simultaneously blaming Islam, while doubling down on the homo- and transphobia that played just as much, if not more, of a role in the shooting. You're a real American hero.

Anita Staver, a member of the hate group the Liberty Counsel, wife of the lawyer that defended Kim Davis, and, sadly, resident of Orlando, stated she would begin bringing her Glock to the bathroom after Target had the audacity to allow transgender people in. Yep, that's a real stretch to think they weren't actively

They're also guilty in the respect that they're typically spineless pushovers that let the loud, angry republicans get away with whatever bullshit they want. But no, they don't tend to push for hateful legislation themselves.

republicans aren't responsible for all the ills of man, but they are responsible for using the ills of man to purposefully stoke hatred of minorities to keep political power, and to keep access to their precious, precious kill machines.

It's sort of like how the right didn't give a shit about violence against woman, until they could use it as a tool to fight LBGT rights. Now, all of a sudden their concerned with the well being of gays and hispanics because another hated minority group can be blamed.

I don't really believe that mental health is a cause of all of America's ills, because that still requires you to explain why Americans would be more likely to have these issues in the first place. But, free, universal health care sure would help. Can't we just give the ammosexuals a choice? You get rid of your guns

That's only sort of true. Nate Silver personally never thought he was a serious candidate, but all of their projection models showed him as the favorite in the primaries. It took the individual writers a long time to accept what their own data had been telling them all along.

"The AV Club was unavailable for comment, since all employees of Univision and their affiliates were promptly rounded up and sent to Trump's Internment Camp for Losers 5 minutes after his inauguration."

I live in Orlando, so you can let those assholes know that it was a friendly, open venue that welcomed all walks of life and sexuality. It was not uncommon at all for straight men and woman to visit the club. It was known for having one of the the most welcoming, positive, and fun environments in all of Orlando

Last year Ted Cruz's pastor, while introducing the then Presidential candidate, advocated for the murder of gays on biblical grounds. The right is doing a mighty fine tap dance to ignore that the victims were mostly Hispanic and/or gay. They don't really have any ground to stand on condemning hate against either group.

I'm sure there may be dark corners of the internet that cheer for the deaths of innocent people. But that is not the AV Club. I've never seen anyone cheer the death of anyone here, no matter their race, creed, sexuality, religion or profession. There was nothing in this article, or the comments around it, that have

There are a lot of things they didn't mention, because this is an article about John Oliver's tribute, not a timeline of events. Also, that police office had no injuries thanks to his helmet. He's a hero, but singling out that one specific person and demanding to know why they weren't mentioned in this context is…odd.

It's hard to say their xenophobic believes were vindicated when so many of the victims were Hispanic LBGT. One person in a GOP hated minority group attacked two GOP hated minority groups. Nearly all republican politicians are happy to ignore all the hateful rhetoric they've directed at the Hispanic and Gay

I'm in Orlando too. Yesterday was mostly numb disbelief. Today is when I'm really starting to get angry and sad. For some reason, it was reading about the young man who was a cast member at Universal Studios, and how the theme park shut down one of their most popular rides in his honor yesterday, that it really,