The Devil and John Berryman

I have seen more Clinton supporters be obviously giddy when Sanders losses, but I think that has as much to do with wanting the damn primaries to be over than any dislike for the candidate. Sanders supporters are usually the ones that want to eat your face for suggesting the math isn't on his side, and maybe he's

I fully admit that I voted for Hillary in the primary solely because I was sick of those fuckers. And this was like early March.

My mom discovered Facebook like two months ago. Any time I would point out her outright lies she would patronizingly tell me "oh sweetie, you really think you can trust the mainstream media?"

They stomp their feet and act all angry when the more egregious racist comments come out, then they wait a week and come to conclusion that it's better than Hillary.

At a previous job, I had to work with a whole management team of conservatives, but most were very professional and had no problem working with local Democrats to get business done. But one member of our board was one these loudmouth, fire breathing neo-cons that would spend entire meetings talking with clients about

Sanders supporters: For all the liberals that were jealous the GOP had the monopoly on crazy.

Trump rally.

Empathize with anyone that doesn't look like them?

Because the stupid families ruin it for everyone. The new King Kong ride at Universal Studios isn't even out of Team Member previews yet, and people are already complaining that it's too scary for an Orlando park.

And it's nearly impossible to find a good record of their rulings. I research the down ballot positions as much as possible, and even when going through every local newspaper's election guide, I can never find any information on the judge elections. I usually have to end up voting against the old white guys, so I'm

Let's not sully the good name of the fucking mobs! They're too busy engaging in roaming orgies to do any real harm.

I know there's a lot of shitty TV out there, but Chrisley really has to be in the running for worst show of all time. It's revolting.

I watched every episode, and at the midpoint of each seasons I'd always think to myself "wait…how the fuck did we end up here?"

You've just described the entire GOP voting base.

One time in college, there was a girl on the floor above us that would occasionally hang out with our group, but I would't really call her a friend. One night, while drunk, she told us all she had an eating disorder, and she as going to the bathroom to purge her dinner. We thought we shouldn't let her do that, so we

If you're part of a hate group that wants to eradicate a certain population, that doesn't seem that far out of a fear.

An electrician? Who'd be asked to work on the electrical needs of various clients, that could be of varying backgrounds? Even entering their creepy, black homes?

If you believe that taxes should be lowered, or that affirmative action has flaws, or that human impact should be considered when making environmental choices, I may not agree, but we can totally be civil. If you believe that there's an invisible demon following you, and he's responsible for all of your troubles, or

I don't know that I can think of a single job where believing that certain races are inferior and not deserving of humanity wouldn't adversely affect their role. Except maybe GOP Presidential candidate.

So the venue/employer/rest of the world don't have the same "freedom of speech" you're so tirelessly defending?