The Devil and John Berryman

Drunk people shouldn't be held accountable for raping. They should totally be held account for getting raped.

Did you support your rapist friends when you were 20? Because I never did that.

Worrying about a fleeting criminal trial seems pretty silly when you live on top of a hell mouth.

Then we can finally devote all of our attention to the election!

Wasn't Luck's issue that they were beating live horses?

I agree with your overall assertion, but corruption played no role in this nomination. If it was a tight race, and super delegates were the ones that actually tipped the scaled there might be an argument. But plain and simple, more people voted for her. Since SDs would likely never go against the will of the people, I

Pretty much every equal rights law has been a result of regular people "ranting" long enough to be heard.

My point was that plenty of independents (and non-independents) immediately rejected him. To think that a sizable percentage will decide Trump is more likable after hearing him for another 5 months is foolish.

Thank you. I actually was just wrong and misremembered my history. I'll leave my comment as is to receive the scorn it deserves.

Not really. They've been voting for Clinton/Sanders or any number of the 200 republican candidates that were running at one point. Trump won the primary with a plurality of voters in a historically crowded field.

But we'll finally be free of the social construct that won't allow us to talk about how bangable our daughters are!

He was scheduled to host a reality show as recently as last summer, but he was fired immediately after his first of many public displays of racism during the campaign.

She is a politician in every way. I get why people wouldn't trust any politician, because I don't really trust any. But this act like she is somehow worse or more corrupt than anyone else before is just insane.

And those head to head polls are also skewed by all the Bernie supporters that say they won't vote for Clinton, while nearly all Clinton supporters are like "sure, why not" when asked if they'd support Bernie.

I bought his Filibuster book for my mom in 2014 based solely on those appearances. Long before he was even a twinkle in the eye of most of his current supporters.

Bernie was first on Real Time in 2005, with numerous appearances every year or two after.

The war was awful, and nobody should have voted for it. But nearly every Democrat did, yet somehow the message has become that Hillary and Hillary alone declared war and personally shot as many civilians as she could.

Have you ever actually looked at the Libertarian platform, besides wanting to legalize pot? A good portion of their convention was spent discussing the constitutionality of driver licenses and roads. So…yeah.

Only because no one has been dumb enough to give Trump any real power yet.

If they couldn't stop saying racist things every time they opened their mouth, and the late night comedy shows kept doing good bits about them, I'm sure they'd be covered. And if Al Franken is Hillary's VP pick that's going to open up a whole vault of stuff.