The Devil and John Berryman

Anyone that had a passing relationship with these sorts of late night political talk shows (Daily Show, Real Time, etc) would have been well aware of who Sanders was for many years. I don't know many young voters watching ABC News.

If anything dooms Clinton, it's going to be a lack of historical perspective from young voters. No, this is not the first time people haven't loved the Dem candidate, but go read a history book of what happened between 2000-2008 before you decide that you can sit this one out as a protest.

I think you're giving his campaign far too much credit. He has absolutely no ground game in place to organize anything. He's fueled completely by his ego and racism, and the fact that he's made it this far with absolutely no network of political operatives would be amazing if it wasn't so scary.

As an entertainment website, Trump seems like a perfectly acceptable topic of discussion. A reality TV show host is running for President. If Jeff Probst or Ryan Seacrest was the nominee for a major American party, I think we'd be talking about that too.

Sweet! I can stop worrying. But best of luck to all you weirdos that didn't choose a straight white man life.

In an election year full of absurdities, this line of thought that only paid shills support Hillary has to be one of the absurdist. I don't understand why anyone would vote for Trump, the same way I didn't understand anyone that would vote for Bush. But I never thought they were doing so because they were being paid,

Sometimes people have differing opinions on things, even without being paid!

Bernie fans sure like to think they did. But really, no. I think they only missed one or two projections, one being the historic upset in Michigan. Each week they release a new polls report card, and often have discussions on their weekly podcast regarding the pros/cons of polls, and why and how they use their "polls

The international betting markets are usually pretty good with their odds making of US elections, and they currently have Hillary with about a 70% chance of winning. I highly recommend fivethirtyeight.com to help keep you sane during these troubling times.

Let's not be overly negative. Way to go parents of all the other kids for raising awesome children!

I admit I don't spend a ton of free time on Buzzfeed, but I find that highly dubious. The amount of coverage they provide to pro-LBGTQ friendly causes is pretty antithetical to any republican platform. Do you have any specific examples?

What's really weird is that Obama has some of his highest approval ratings ever right now. So there is a sizable segment of the population that thinks the current President is doing a good job, while also thinking we need to blow up the whole damn thing. What is wrong with you people?!

You're right, we shouldn't be worried about Trump actually following through on any of his campaign promises, because that would mark the first time he was ever being sincere, and not just letting his ego control his brain so he could get more press coverage. Thanks!

I mostly agree, but if there isn't a Muslim concentration camp or Great Wall of Mexico after two years, I think they're going to be pretty pissed.

"Only 50s kids will appreciate this impotent rage!"

In Trump's America, "fucking" will actually be required by law to be placed before any reference to "Muslims" or "Mexicans."

Haha! Sure, he'll crash our economy, alienate all of our foreign allies, and create millions of more terrorist through his policies, but at least those libtards won't like it! *Highfive*

But shouldn't we encourage giant companies to exercise their freedom of speech? Or is that only if they want to discriminate against those weird gays?

If every publication that Donald Trumped attacked for no reason other than he's a giant piece of shit had to disclose that, every article on every news site would need to dedicate half of it's column space to such announcements.