The Devil and John Berryman

That's least to most?! I think my list might be the exact opposite.

Don't let him get too close, he's not vaccinated.

I think that should be a rule for all movies.

Non-stop Facebook posts about Bernie Sanders and/or how evil Hillary Clinton is.

I should clarify the statement that the implication was public mass shootings.

Is it incidental when there are gunshots and dead anywhere else in America that it's probably at the hands of a white male?

It was exactly Obama's point to pick a moderate, acceptable to everyone candidate as a giant middle finger to the republicans in congress. Picking someone on the far left would have given the right too much ammunition going into an election cycle. Now, he has someone that most American's agree is qualified, and it's

If the thought of a Trump Presidency doesn't make the Bros come around, nothing I say will. And they are acting like petulant children who want to take their ball and go home. I like Bernie! I probably would have voted for him if my state was earlier in the primary season. But I'm also a realist that doesn't want to

Ding ding ding.

The problem is that Grantland failed, at least to the accountants at ESPN. Financially speaking, it would be bonkers for them to replicate that model. Also, the several year delay in launching the site hasn't helped things. So, as ESPN is wont to do, they've just turned it into another marketing arm for ESPN

Not enough references to the Wire or the1986 Celtics for a Bill Simmons influence.

No matter what she does, the right will spin it against her. Not enough emotion? She's a robot! Too much emotion? See, we told you you can't trust a flighty broad to be President.

Of the scores of ways in which Trump and Bernie are different, tax policy is probably number one. Your boss sounds like a moron.

It sounds like the climax to God's Not Dead 3: Back to School

So, are PC thugs just overly polite and sensitive to your feelings while they beat you with baseball bats? Or do they just make sure their roving gang has a diverse cast of thugs?

The difference between Hillary supporters saying they'd support Bernie and Bernie supporters saying they'd support Hillary is also what is throwing the head-to-head Trump polling numbers off. Bernie supporters love to say that their guy is more electable because head-to-head polls show him ahead. The problem is, he's

The latest 538 podcast had a great discussion on if Trump really does increase voter turnout. It is probable that he increased primary participation, but most of these "new" voters would typically vote in a national election anyway. The idea that there will be tons of new, untapped voters come November isn't quite

Saying you hate the "establishment" is a meaningless term, like saying you hate hipsters. The definition of the two usually comes down to "whatever I don't like." When a billionaire who proudly admits to buying political influence is considered the outsider, the word has lost all meaning.

Of course Trump won't do as well with minorities, but it's entirely likely that Clinton won't do as well with many of the blocs that Obama easily won. It probably won't be an even exchange, so Clinton still should win, but it's not impossible. That's why Bernie needs to cut the shit and start helping to stop Trump

45% is way too high. 45% will probably come close to winning this election. We may have third party candidates making up more than 10%.