The Devil and John Berryman

The only problem is, we've been saying that since last summer. "He'll never make it when the voting starts" turned into "he's winning now, but he'll implode eventually" turned into "wait…holy shit…which one of these clowns is actually going to challenge him?" By any historic measure, his candidacy should be a disaster

I think the majority of people that would be drawn to someone like Trump in the first place would scoff at any claims of racism as liberal exaggerations. I don't think many people would classify themselves as racist or white supremacists, but there are plenty of lower class white people living in rural and struggling

"I kind of hope [Trump] wins, now. It'd be pretty funny, and it's not like I have to live with the aftermath." The perfect new slogan for Bernie Bros.

You have far more faith in the American people than I do if you think that would actually impact him negatively.

The version of the song embedded in the article is tagged as a demo for a reason.

Anytime I end up on a Reddit page I'm more frustrated trying to follow a conversation than any of the content.

The A.V. Club

The Sean O'Neal Memorial Entourage Medal of Courage.

You're right, it wasn't particularly bad. It was aggressively, spectacularly bad.

No, but it would also be foolish to say that runner is having a crap race while they are ahead.

But, again, she has more votes than anyone. What metric are you using to define success in a political campaign if not votes?

If they don't care or understand, it seems impossible for it to also cause confusion. I think someone may be projecting just a bit.

But enough about Donald Trump.

Ok…I'll bite. So just like the people that say "I don't have a problem with a black James Bond…so long as it's not done just to be PC! And, just so coincidentally, every black actor associated with the project would be there for PC reasons," how could any film maker ever convince you that they are making an organic

-Trump 2016

This is the same sort of argument had all the time in politics, and if racism has fueled the hatred towards Obama from the right. Of course it's possible to disagree with any politician for completely valid reasons. But it's the immediate and unwavering ferocity of the anger toward someone that is pretty much a

How does anti-Fargo the TV show square with the argument against entitled fan culture, especially when the results have been so stellar? To me, there's nothing inherently right or wrong about remaking/rebooting anything. All that matters is the final result.

Is it though? She has more primary votes than any other candidate from any other party. Not being the constant focus of media attention doesn't mean it's not a successful campaign. One could argue she should have been attacking Sanders directly through the entire campaign to take on his likability numbers, but it

Betting markets currently have HRC with about a 70% chance.

There should be a show that's nothing but Piz getting punched in the face, over and over again, for 22 minutes.