The Devil and John Berryman

I'm on the AV Club multiple times per day and had no clue there was some Jeopardy sub-commentariat lurking about. What else are you people hiding?

It's also a pretty easy offshoot of people that got into Nirvana and Soundgrarden for the headbanging, but didn't particularly care for any of the social consciousness within the larger grunge scene. They wanted muddy bass lines, crunchy guitars, and girls to flash them at concerts. And yes, this is the entirety of

Wasn't that also during his screed against Trump? I think the point of that was more to show he has no allegiance to the Democrats, and he honestly thinks Trump is Hitler, rather than honestly believing a conservative presidency would be best for the country.

"Excitedly suggested by one, and only one, website with an agenda" would be even more appropriate.

It's not like he's Chris Brown or Dr. Luke. He says crazy shit to get attention and is otherwise harmless.

You could say that about every show Fox has ever aired.

Here's the thing many Sanders fans don't get; this isn't new. This is exactly how Obama supporters felt 8 years ago, and it worked out well for them. Prior to that, this is exactly how Nader voters felt, and, well, that didn't turn out so great for him or America. Young people being engaged with politics is truly

So he should have kept on campaigning, rather than trying to do his job?

Sanders fans turn into Randians so gradually I hardly even noticed.

Yeah, I don't get why Sanders has trouble connecting with minorities at all…

Then the revolution needs to start at the ground level. You don't get to skip right to President. Support real progressive causes on a local level. That's how the Tea Party did it. Those are some regressive, evil mother fuckers, but they know how to organize. Ted Cruz didn't spring up out of nowhere. He was ushered

The Dems had the 2 adults in the race, and yet so much of the electorate seemed jealous that the republicans had the monopoly on crazy. More than a year ago I was buying Bernie books for my parents as gifts, and fully intended on voting for him in the primary, knowing I'd inevitably vote for Hillary in the general.

What an oddly specific analogy.

Fire being privatized is a travesty. But if the people in the area wanted this direction, to lower taxes or get government out of their lives or for whatever reason, then they should be held accountable for their actions. If they explicitly opted out of the service, this is what you reap. Stop counting your taxes to

Ohhhh, I get it now. It's just an empty phrase you can use for anything you don't like.

I don't know how, but I'm sure Obamacare and transgender bathrooms caused this lack of fire funding.

Real hardworking Americans pay to have policemen, firemen and EMT on standby at your property 24/7. Anything less and you're a handout seeking, entitled, America destroying libtard.

Freedom of speech means you're required by law to force your bigotry on everyone around you. Read the constitution.

I know I'm in the minority, but I still love paying for music. I want to own it and I want it downloaded. Let me give you money in exchange for goods and services, artists!

You know how Trump is winning primaries, even though you've never met a supporter in real life? This is their favorite show.