The Devil and John Berryman

That episode is when Bar Rescue went from guilty pleasure I can have on in the background while hungover on a Sunday, to a show I absolutely hated. Any semblance of having this show to "help" struggling owners was thrown out the window just so he could stick it to those nerds he didn't like.

Your claim wasn't that you can raise your kid however you want, it was that you raise your kids without an agenda. I just pointed out that this is, obviously, a load of rubbish.

I…I don't think you know what rational means.

There are actually plenty of other types of relationships that make sense, evolutionarily speaking. It is good for the species for there to be a set percentage of adults that are unable to bear children, whether due to infertility, their sexual orientation, or any other reason. This makes it easier for the offspring

Just to be clear; your argument is that you don't bias your children because you only allow them to consume things that are acceptable to your bias? Yep, this checks out.

Yes! Stop messing with these timeless classics! Why, I remember the first time I saw Frozen, way back in 2013. Such a simpler time then. Trump wasn't about to be President, no one cared where anyone else went to the bathroom, and cartoons were only about straight people. Those were the days.

There are lots of independently organized "Days" that aren't official Disney sanctioned. As far as I know, Gay Days are the only one to be recognized with a special rainbow Micky pin.

This article was a false flag operations! Wake up!!

I'm not surprised one person said this, but am pretty surprised that six people liked it.

Why aren't they rushing to support Facebook's freedom of speech?! It's almost like they're huge hypocrites or something.

Of all the parties to mock in this situation, Beyonce being pissed she got cheated on seems pretty low on that list.

If NFL players don't want the Commissioner hearing appeals they can fight for that in CBA negotiations. Instead, they continuously accept more free agency rights/money without ever really addressing this. They may bitch and moan about how much power he has, but a boss having all the power in an organization isn't

The lesson is never try.

Schilling uses his fame as a soapbox to spout his hate. He would not have the following he has without ESPN, and they've warned him many, many times. This isn't out of the blue. He was clearly forcing their hand with the follow up note, since he knows how much many is to be had in the faux-outrage game. Don't ever put

Andrew Wiggins, but I'm not sure if he counts since he's Canadian.

And what really bothers me is the hypocrisy. The protests going on are a direct result of the right deciding they were outraged that certain people want to use their bathrooms. By their own logic, shouldn't the Schillings of the world tell those offended by strangers using a bathroom that the issue is 100% on them?

Luckily I am!!

People should feel free to like or dislike entertainment as it fits their taste. You liked Breaking Bad for all of the explosions and fun? Great! It was a multi-layered show that allowed for various entry points. But it drives me up the fucking wall when someone claims that the only possible reason anyone else could

I hope we never get to Saul. I loved Breaking Bad, but I love this new universe even more. There's a realism that was missing from BB when it started cranking up the tension to 11.

It's the only time I've ever been proud of the lunatics with guns in Florida. The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a phone is a probably also bad guy with a gun.