The Devil and John Berryman

Human rights aren't up for debate. Sensible people can debate tax policy, and trade deficits and the need for a strong military all day long. But when you start wanting to legalize bigotry and inequality we have a real problem and you (the royal you, not you you) have no leg to stand on.

A Chick-fil-A sandwhich was one of my life's greatest pleasures, and I still haven't had a bite since the boycott. For a while I considered donating to LBGTQ friendly charities for every dollar I spent at CFA, but then I decided that would still be shitty and I should just donate without having to eat hate chicken.

Not having the right to shut other people out does not mean you yourself are being shut out. This isn't that hard. Don't be a asshole. The end.

The issue you cited was that this review was that it is "biased as hell" and was proven by the author's dislike of Watchmen. You either don't know what biased means, don't know what a critic does, or both.

The issue you cited was that this review was that it is "biased as hell" and was proven by the author's dislike of Watchmen. You either don't know what biased means, don't know what a critic does, or both.

A movie critic? Having an opinion on a movie?! I can't wait until Trump throws this loser critic in jail.

Bad reviews for these movies rarely affect the box office for opening week. But reviews absolutely can stop a reasonably popular movie from becoming a phenomenon. So you'll win the first weekend, maybe even the second, but a month later the movie is all but forgotten from the pop culture consciousness, except as

But that's why Cruz is so much worse! He should know better, and actively chooses evil. Trump just loves to hear people cheer for him, so he will literally say anything to get that instant gratification. They're both awful, awful choices, but gun to my head, I'll take the one that's only acting evil, as opposed to the

I read and loved the books, and the show gets much better as soon as it develops it's own voice. I thought the first few episodes were pretty awful, and only stuck around because of my book fandom, but around episode 3 or 4 it really became it's own thing. I liken it to how the US Office was nearly unwatchable when it

Darth T8r was set up! No way in hell do I believe he knows how to properly capitalize or punctuate like that.

"It must be spring break all the stoners are on" is a pretty beautiful non-sequitur. So thank you for at least contributing this to society.

Yes, follow up question. When did you start living in a fantasy world where facts no longer mattered, and you could believe whatever hate-filled day dream your mind would come up with? I ask because I'm legitimately worried about my aging mother and would like to know some of the warning signs you saw before finally

And spend the extra money on the more expensive larger versions of the same letter? Just so Obummer can turn around and give the money to his muslim illegal buddies? No thanks, college boy.

That sure sounds like something a Trump supporter would say about, well, pretty much everything.

Maybe it never made it's way to the movies, I'm not a comic book reader myself, but I don't recall there being a giant orange Avenger who's super power was talking so loudly that he made people support war crimes.

"And if i want to know what this doper says i will watch his dopey show. Do you really get paid to regurgitate nonsense from comedy shows. Get a real job."

If you didn't want to know what he said, by the same logic, I would assume you wouldn't click on this link, which is quite up front about what the content will be. And yes, regurgitating nonsense from comedy shows pretty much is the job description of a pop culture website writer.

Of all the people that shouldn't support Trump, you think someone that dedicated their life to making hair look good would be high on that list.

As a quick newswire piece, and a place to make funny comments? Yeah, sure, why not.

Saying "I'm not [blank], but…" is the easiest way to tell if someone actually is that thing.