The Devil and John Berryman

But the Right has always done a way better job of banding seemingly different bands together. Fiscal conservatives and evangelical Christians really shouldn't have that much in common, but always made it work. Democrats are really great at shooting themselves in the foot when their niche isn't being catered to (see,

Because we may hate our government, but we're also lazy assholes. We're not moving anywhere that we can't get to by car in less than a day. You want me to fly to Britain? With my five 60 inch TVs?!

"Too many of our gun owners bow down to the PC elites. I at least like that this gunman was telling it like it is!"

Do you remember a few years ago when Dr. Pepper launched their "Ten" brand? It was supposed to be the "manly" alternative to diet beverages. Their entire marketing campaign was "Dr. Pepper Ten; IT'S NOT FOR WOMEN!" Like, you could tell they went to their marketing agency and said "we want to express that this drink is

One of the lone silver linings I see about a Trump presidency, and it's so minor as to barely register above all of the awful, awful things he will try to do, is to watch his supporters turn on him just like they turn on every other President, when he can't keep all of his insane campaign promises.

I don't think I know anyone personally, although I'm too scared to ask my mom because I'd rather not have my worst suspicions of her confirmed. But what I have overheard a few times now, and that earned as loud of a "HA" as I could muster, nevermind the fact that I had no part in the conversation, is that Trump has

If it weren't for Trump, Sanders supporters would be the worst thing about this election.

If you make sure to write #feelthebern in every comment section you see, I'm pretty sure that will fix everything.

This is pretty much exactly how my mom turned into a similar brainless fool as the father mentioned above. She got really into weird mystic shit as she got older, typically ex-hippie crap. Crystals that can cure you, all natural foods, and so on. Somehow, this woman that you would likely find at a girl power drum

Freedom of expression…you mean like choosing what shows to appear in in order to reach the greatest number of people?

No you can purchase as well. It's $9.49.

The Google Play store has it.

I've heard that, but it would make absolutely no sense. So I guess in some way it would make perfect sense for Trump. But Scott isn't particularly popular in Florida, so he wouldn't help win the state, unless they decide that if a Trump presidency is inevitable, they might as well get rid of Scott in the process. And

McConnell looks like a sad old man that sold his soul for success. Cruz looks like he would happily eat your face if the voice in his head that he calls God told him to.

Did you hear that Trump actually lost delegates on Tuesday due to the racism of his supporters? Oh how I hope he misses the majority by three.

He's young. Compared to the other old, hideous specters that usually hold office the man's an Adonis. A real world 5 is a political 8.

Yeah, for the most part I just keep PBS on while hungover, but occasionally you get a cooking show thrown in that does not sit well with your poisoned stomach.

I have a younger cousin that was raised by a single mother with very little money. My aunt briefly dated a very rich guy, who of course got all of his money from his parent's successful business. They broke up, but the rich guy was smitten, so he continued trying to buy her love for the next 20 years, until eventually

This Old House or Rick Steves' Europe. They are so relaxing and calm, with little camera movement, limited cutting, and practically no background music. Perfect for laying on the couch and distracting you from thinking that you'd rather be dead than deal with this hangover.

Not as much as you would think. That band program is about to be cut.