The Devil and John Berryman

Castiel definitely has something to do now…it's the first time in a while I'm happy to see him on screen.

I wouldn't call it good…it's certainly less bad. They are doing more stand alone episodes, and slightly fewer anthology episodes, which is what really weighed it down in season 10.

"Let me tell you about my prostitutes. The youngest prostitutes you've ever seen."

I don't understand how mocking this moron and taking him seriously are mutually exclusive. I'm terrified he'll win on the backs of our worst citizens, but if I don't laugh then all that's left is uncontrollable sobbing.

Wow, even for an angry bigot that guy is fucking unhinged.

We're at a point where we need spoiler warnings for fucking trailers now?

So you're saying being repeatedly and aggressively told you're wrong by strangers takes it toll? Yeah, it is odd that people react so strongly when yet another man tells a woman she wasn't actually raped.

Genuinely curious, what amount of evidence would satisfy your moral quest for truth? The legal system is so stacked against the rape accuser that it only seems fair they be given the benefit of the doubt by people on the internet that actually have no power. Physical evidence is so hard to collect after the fact, and

Our crusade to only accuse woman of making false rape allegations when that has been proven has seemed to similarly ruffle yours.

I can't speak for everyone, but I "liked" it purely out of spite for you.

It was all of, what, a week ago that he couldn't disavow the endorsement of the KKK without having all the facts. He may not be a racist, but he is absolutely pandering for racist votes.

Rubio failing has nothing to do with his lack of experience, and
everything to do with having run an awful campaign, having absolutely no base of support, and having the charisma of a rock.

He says the same thing over and over again. How does that appeal to anyone? "I have the greatest [fill in the blank] in the world" is his response to everything he discusses. Even if you like his bravado doesn't that just get fucking boring?


There's at least a 50/50 chance that asshole from Duck Dynasty makes a run in 2020.

You're an outsider if you're a republican with zero experience. If you're a Dem with nothing but congressional experience you're dangerously unqualified.

We should build a wall to keep those losers out.

According to every "You Side With Poll" I've taken, I'm close to 100% in alignment with Sanders. But it's impossible for me to embrace him because I don't want to be sucked into Tea Party Left.

Trump scares the shit out of me. The normal rules don't seem to apply to him, and I'm terrified he'll win even though all logic says it's impossible. But here's the really scary thing: I think he's still better than Cruz. What a fucking farce of a field the GOP threw out this year. Both would be a disaster as

The smoking section between Morocco and Japan.