The Devil and John Berryman

I'm white. My people have proved time and again, for centuries, to be worthy of scorn. Registering all Muslims isn't stopping "potential terrorist," it's straight up, as obvious as can be racism, and will only help in creating exponentially more terrorists.

The general idea that he is doing anything other than awful with minorities is complete fiction. The fraction of the Muslim electorate that identifies as republican is so tiny that it's not really a useful stat to say he's winning their vote. And that serves just as much as a reminder that the entire GOP has been

Show your work. In the ten minutes of Googling and poll reviewing I just did I found nothing to back up your assertions. Regarding the black vote, Trump is trying to claim he has huge support, but he's basing that off one poll done in September, with no other evidence. The Muslim polling shows Trump in third place

If they all hate minorities they are. And they do.

I thought it was widely accepted as not quite as great as Wreck It Ralph, but ahead of pretty much any other recent Disney-proper releases.

Maybe Wall Street wasn't always short hand for the super rich, but the super rich absolutely have always controlled US politics.

If anyone of Trump's supporters, especially those in the south, had Trump for a boss they would absolutely hate him. He's exactly the sort of coastal, urban elitist they claim to hate. No wonder that voting bloc is always red-in-the-face angry. You don't even know what you want, how the hell can you expect anyone else

If sneering and condescension aren't your thing, I don't think Trump is the candidate for you.

But the sorts of people that vote for Trump are the ones that think poor minorities need to take responsibility for their actions, and stop asking for government handouts to fix their lot in life. So why do these same voters get to blame the government for the issues they're experiencing?

There are many, many things I don't understand about Trump's appeal. But chief among them is this: too many establishment politicians are bought out by billioniares and no longer represent the people. Ergo, we should vote for the person that doesn't take money from billionaires with an outside interest because he

About 2 days after Obama was in office I started seeing the "Miss Me Yet (with a picture of a goofy, smiling W next to it)" bumper stickers on some of the more proud racists in my part of the country. It took nearly 8 years, but I now finally agree with that racist bumper sticker. Sure, I don't agree with anything W

The whole point of net neutrality is never having to read the content within it.

Isn't it a funny little coincidence that anytime there is a he said/she said discrepancy in entertainment, it just happens that the He in the story gets believed about 100% of the time?

Wait until you see what the record contracts are like in Trump's America!

Yes, I do believe most aspiring artists know how to use Google, no, I don't believe most of them would be able to get a meeting and/or pay for one of the 15 most powerful attorneys in entertainment.

So some 16 year old on YouTube that has media conglomerates sniffing around them is supposed to know how to hire and pay for a hot shit entertainment lawyer? That seems…unlikely.

It used to be all the money was in being a fake climate scientist for Al Gore, but now it appears that being a fake rape victim is far more lucrative, according to every garbage person you know.

I sided with Bernie 97% and Hillary 95%. But every Bernie Bros in my Newsfeed continues to tell me she's a criminal republican, so there must be a lot going in in that 2%.

Also unacceptable: appearing on a game show that requires an education to compete. Or being educated at all, really.

You're the Worst has, and they are both amazing because of it.