The Devil and John Berryman

The Oscars are a symptom of a larger issue in Hollywood, not the real problem. When Michael B. Jordan was on Bill Simmon's podcast he talked about how one of the most frustrating things for him were the amount of roles he wouldn't even be considered for because he is black. That there are plenty of roles that could be

I honestly can't say I've seen a single one. I don't doubt their existence, but they must come in from those weirdos that don't comment while at work, and wait until after hours to waste their time. And even if there were a plethora of user theories in these comments, could you imagine another publication, say Vox,

Simpsons quotes > "User Generated" crime theories, and it's not even close.

And it doesn't even accuse two other people of murder so much as it just assumes as an unquestioned fact that these two other people did it. Like, you're aware that's exactly what Manitowoc was guilty of in the first place, right Reddit? I also love how this end's with Jaypact's personal endorsement. If we can't trust

I'm on the record as being pro MaM coverage to keep the very real issue of a broken justice system sharply in focus. But, man, copy and pasting Reddit posts that were copy and pasted from YouTube comments is really pressing my limits.

Then why do you hate this? Nothing is changing, other than HBO gets it a little bit earlier. And it gives the show the money it needs to stay free and influential on PBS. Seems like a win-win.

The use of "SJW" suggests parody, yet the Breithart comment history suggests you might have actually used that term unironically. Either way, it's always fun when new people flock to the AV Club because the Conservative Outrage Alarm goes off on Disqus.

I thought the problem with album is that no one is on the far left?

The Packers get a free pass because everyone thinks it's so cute that they play in a tiny town and are "owned" by their fans, but Jesus Christ are they the whiniest team and fan base in sports.

I do mostly enjoy Friends, especially as something to have on in the background while passing out at 2am on a Friday night, but the last two or so seasons are as awful as advertised.

Tons of atheists love Sufjan Stevens, because he writes brilliant music, even though it is often implicitly or explicitly about faith and religion. Writing about politics or religion isn't inherently wrong, but it is incredibly hard to pull off well without sounding simple and preachy.

Castiel on Supernatural, even though I don't feel good about saying that. Misha Collins is a delight, and when used appropriately the character is great. The problem is, since he's a fan favorite, he's been ham-fisted into every episode, which has caused latter day Supernatural to spend far too much time on it's

I don't believe in the death penalty, so I am 100% in no way shape or form calling for their heads. I would like to see them arrested and treated as the criminals they actually are.

Every generation is awful. All things considered, millennials are probably the least awful of any that are still living.

More media about how fun and wild the 60s were. We need more of those!

That's certainly not infantilizing to the people with legitimate gripes about the voting process by comparing them to contestants in an elementary school competition. Nope, not at all.

The person or the musical?

And if you do live in NYC, people should be bugging you about. At the very least you have to try to get in the lottery.

You…you really don't understand what issue people have with an armed take over of a government building being treated as some friendly protest? The fact that it's happening at all is outrageous. That it's happening in an environment where black people are allowed to be murdered for no reason, while legitimate (white

No, but i had that exact issue in the last scene.