The Devil and John Berryman

You are just itching for an editorial conspiracy, aren't you?

Wow, is that depressing. Especially the stuff about it being a bros club, and not paying interns; two things that often get rightfully mocked on these pages when it's happening in Hollywood or the world at large.

The best news is that I have to assume that Sean O'Neal will now be on the political beat following Trump around the country.

AV Club is pretty much the only place on the internet (with the possible exception of 538, but that is starting to get overran with ESPN commenters just realizing the sister site exists) that has bearable political comments. I'd like much, much more coverage.

It's Telemundo.

Their Facebook commenters are just the worst. Anytime someone chimes in with a "that's not very funny," someone else responds "it's a parody like the Onion you fucking idiot, it's not true!" And I always thing…"well, that's not quite accurate is it?"

Stupid millenials and their love of American history!

Enjoy the rest of the NFL season Block & Tackle fans. Coming next year, it's all Liga MX coverage, all the time.

I appreciate you writing with such passion, as this is obviously something you care deeply about. However, calling yourself a "Celebrity Troll on Twitter" really isn't going to garner you much sympathy.

Which is a great sign. FX does an awful job promoting their new shows, and the more awful the previews, usually the better the show. See also; Terriers.

Can you imagine if after 9/11 the response was "now is not the time to take action against terrorism"? Of course not, because that would be fucking absurd.

Spoiler alert, asshole.

And the thing is, even if it's just a mediocre performance, that's exactly the sort of middlebrow role that is catnip for voters when white people are in it. How many middling performances can Streep be nominated for?

If we limit the pool to those that were nominated, Boyhood, Grand Budapest Hotel and Whiplash were all superior films. I'm still shocked that Boyhood didn't win, mostly because I thought the voters would love the "gimmick" of it.

And they are both foreigners! When will white American men ever get a break?

How old is that joke in dog years?

It's pretty much the same idea as the mix tapes you are familiar with it. Only, instead of putting together your favorite songs in one place, you put all of your favorite songs in one place, take off the lyrics, and put your own sub-par spin on it.

Cruz is an absolute piece of shit, and Alan Grayson is pretty much the only Florida politician to be proud of, but he comes across so petty in his push to sue Cruz over his eligibility. There should be more than enough reasons to not vote for Cruz without resorting to the GOP's bullshit tactics.

Unfortunately, the audience would need to have their backs turned the entire time to have deniability.

I imagine in Texas, the death of a tax loving, big government politician will be viewed as the feel good show of 2018.