The Devil and John Berryman

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How's that Knopey changey thing working out for you?

Good for The Federalist. With Parks and Rec airing their final episode last February they are less than a year behind the times, instead of the conservative standard of several decades. Progress!

You just came in here and presumed clickbait from the beginning, and refused to listen to the valid arguments against it. You must be from Manitowoc.

What important things has Amy Schumer ever done anyway? I mean, besides being a a very public and strong advocate for feminism and equality, as well as gun control? Bunch of fluff if you ask me!

The problem is, being a good cop is really fucking hard. You have to be brilliant in both a books and streets way, have to be physically strong, and have to have an exceedingly great foundation of logic. Great cops exist, but it is completely impossible for most, or even some, of our police force to have all of the

They can't make Sam work 24 hours, can they?!

Remember all of those times Leslie would hold town hall meetings to hear what the people wanted to do in the city? FASCISM!

On one hand, it really is great that such a diverse audience is open to viewing a 10 hour documentary examining how shitty our justice system is. On the other, it really fucking bothers me to see the same people that just a few weeks ago were posting "maybe young black men need to learn to respect authority so they

This is what I don't get. I absolutely agree that if you read the coverage at the time, it was very anti-Avery. But when watching the press conferences in the doc, you can obviously tell that the reporters in the room clearly don't get what the hell the DA is doing, and seem very supportive of the defense. What

I really, really want to serve on a jury for that exact reason. But then I worry about the morons I'd be surrounded with, like being trapped in a 12 person Trump rally.

Return of Kings is the Tea Party of the MRA movement; a slightly more extreme, but obvious extension, of the main group.

Be honest. How many times has the scenario described above actually happened to you in real life? I'm putting good money on exactly zero times.

I did watch it, and the Manitowic police acted criminally and belong in jail, and the DA is borderline evil. Avery absolutely does not belong in jail for murder. But he does for animal cruelty.

I streamed it from my phone to a Chromecast, and same here.

Yes. It took me forever to get around to watching the series because, fuck this cat killing asshole.

That's just a good rule of thumb for all minorities in America.

Most of rural Wisconsin believes that Obama is a Muslim terrorist mastermind out to destroy the world, but also a total idiot that can't speak without a teleprompter. So, not surprising.

Well, they did vote for Scott Walker 3 times. That enough is reason to stay away from Wisconsin.

No. You'll find we're all pretty militant Satanists around here.