The Devil and John Berryman

My thought as well. I don't ship boxes in my house either, yet here we all are.

For a group that claims to be so pro-business, you think they'd appreciate the time and money savings of "Happy Holidays!" as opposed "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and also if you happen to celebrate one of those other weird religions that isn't about Jesus, I don't really care"

Because in a capitalist society, businesses should have the right to do whatever they want. Except when they don't follow my exact requirements for personal holiday celebrations.

About two weeks ago I was shipping gifts home at UPS. The guy in line in front of me was finishing up, so the cashier wished him a "Happy Holidays!" He gets very stern, looks her straight in the eye, then says "We don't say Happy Holidays in my home." Then, in the angriest tone I've ever heard it said, "Merry

That particular Esposito article really was one of the best things this site has ever produced.

I first read that as the Glen Beck area, and was super confused.

The older I get, the more I appreciate Springsteen, but I still change the radio station immediately as soon as his version of the song comes on.

Just look at how, all of a sudden, so many more police are being tried for crimes. That's 100% because of BLM.

But I'm a white male between the ages of 18-35. Why should I ever have to hear the opinion of anyone not as awesome as me?

Respect others and don't be a douche bag. That should cover you.

Wait, simply acknowledging a pop album's existence means they don't care about music?! That's some neo-con, "If we don't teach sex-ed, teenagers will stop having sex," level of nonsense.

I'm so jealous of every non-American right now. They can watch the GOP shit show from afar and enjoy the absurdist farce that it is, without the real world worry of having to actually maybe live inside their nightmare vision.

Every time Trump opens his mouth he takes a hammer to the electability of whoever the eventual GOP nominee is (because it absolutely will not be him). So, let the man speak!

My wife and I love the holidays, even though we are bitter, snarky thirtysomethings. We went to their show last year, just hoping for some good Christmas fun. It really was one of the most awful thing I've ever seen live. Like watching your dad try to be cool by starting a rock band.

Me, on the other hand… I'm an optimist. So when I see this, I don't
think the sky is falling. I think that, sir, is the sound of opportunity

First season: absolutely. Second season: sort of? Movie: Who knows.

He has an app on his phone to bomb stuff remotely. Don't worry!

You've never been to a Disney park if you don't think they are overran with the trash people that dominate the republican voting bloc.

Most of them are just bars in Epcot, aren't they?