The Devil and John Berryman

Welcome back Leonard Pierce!

Cynicism and spite? From the AV Club! Well I never!

LOL since that makes you the contraian bullshit hipster of the comments!

When Taylor Swift does it it's so lame, but when Adele does it it's just so authentic!

I hate that there seems to be the accepted narrative, even parroted in this review, that Adele is the "real" artist of pop music, when the only thing different between her and Taylor Swift is that at least Taylor Swift's music is somewhat fun.

Florida hasn't been red in a national election since 2004, and South Florida, where most of the Cuban immigrants live, is one of the most reliably blue parts of the country.

Don't give Steve Jobs any ideas. He'll add some sort of time-telling app to the next iPhone, and Apple fans will insist they were the first ones to think of labeling the hours & minutes in a day.

Former Milwaukee Bucks power forward LARRY SANDERS does a Bernie impression? I guess you need to fill your time somehow after walking away from $27m at the age of 26.

When will our republican governors step up and stop the flow of white people into their states?!

“I’m here to admit that I am in fact HIV positive. And, I have to put a
stop to this onslaught, this barrage of attacks, of sub-truths, and very
harmful stories that are about threatening the health of so many
others, which couldn’t be farther from the truth. What actually happened is that our 'President,' Barack

Give social media a break. It's not like Sheen is something truly terrible, like a Muslim refugee.

Absolutely. That made it hit me in a way no other recent tragedy has. I often drag my wife to concerts that she has no interest in seeing, and I just kept thinking "what if I made her come with me and something like this happened."

And I couldn't help but feeling that the outpouring of emotion over this was a lot more authentic than just the simple "I need to let everyone know how good of a person" slacktivism being referenced. Far too many people from far too many political stripes were joining in for it just to be a mourning circle jerk. Most

At the start of some (American) football game yesterday, after the moment of silence, there was a small but very audible group that started chanting "USA! USA!," and it would have been hilarious if it wasn't so sad. Like, jesus christ, do we need to make everything about us? Do they even realize what they are saying,

After the emotional gut punches they've been taking us on, it was time for a breather. And an absolutely hilarious breather at that.

I agree with your principle, but holy shit would a Cruz presidency scare me. I'd throw them in with Trump and Carson as "we're seriously" fucked candidates.

People that write TV recaps are not journalist. Like, at all.

Indian people are natives to India. Are you trying to say that white people are native to America?

Don't be absurd. Trump doesn't believe we can solve everything by believing hard enough. Obviously, you kick out all of the immigrants, then all of our problems are solved.

Maybe if it were set in Tallahassee. Then he could straight up admit to everything, and then they'd laugh it off to talk about the 2004 Gator Bowl.