The Devil and John Berryman

*Quick Google search*

My question exactly. I don't care how good this season is supposed to be. The idea of having to finish out last season might just be a bridge too far for me.

The only reason Obama is so polarizing is because the right is trying to get back for the 8 years that W was relentlessly criticized and mocked. But, the thing is, W was legitimately a terrible President, and deserved it all. There are certainly plenty of things to criticize Obama over, as there are with every

Have any of the shows been bad, though? I totally get what you're saying, and the danger that exists in taking advertising money from a someone you're reviewing, but I can't think of anything that hasn't earned it's grade.

I don't mind Girls, and still watch it out of habit more than anything. But I rarely laugh at it. Don't let these reviews fool you. YTW has more laugh out loud, have to pause the TV so you don't miss too much while you're giggling hysterically, moments than any other show on TV right now.

I laughed far too hard at the "Do you like LCD Soundsystem"/"Not really" exchange, because I knew exactly what they meant. LCD Soundsystem is a band people in my age group are supposed to love. And on paper, everything about them sounds perfect. But they've always left me feeling cold, and more a signifier of "I'm

Last season was just a fantastic season of television. But what they've done this season…holy shit. It's something else entirely. To call it the best show on TV wouldn't be enough. It might be the best anything right now.

I do wonder, have the potential voters that have put Carson on top of the polls actually ever heard him speak? Beyond the insane ramblings that one would expect from a republican front runner, they are presented in the most boring possible way. He sounds like a middle schooler practicing for his first school debate.

I take it you haven't seen any headlines about the current crop of presidential candidates?

Is Bond the only franchise that can last through, what are we up to now, like 25 movie, and their fans still demand that nothing should ever change, ever?

The first lawyer they talked to. But I did find it odd that he was both a lawyer at the firm, and their fixer.

As a Bears fan, I'm always sort of shocked when other fans actually have a positive view of their team and get mad if someone expects them to lose.

It took me a while watching Bojack before i realized I was watching a cartoon version of You're the Worst, so I like that now YTW is becoming a live action Bojack.

It's hard to explain exactly, but I think it mostly felt like the jokes were telegraphed far in advance. Like I was never surprised by where a joke landed. And the charms of Tracy Morgan were always lost on me. I shouldn't make it sound like I've watched the show in it's entirety. I've watched maybe 10-15 random

30 Rock. I've tried so, so many times to get into it. Based on the description it should be exactly in my wheel house, but there is something about it that just isn't funny to me. Sorry everyone.

But that's not really the issue at hand, is it? He is the bee's knees, and also has a horrible public profile.

It doesn't make me question his talent, but it does make me question his intelligence more than even marrying a Kardashian could do.

The answer is, no, our circle jerk is never big enough around here. Please feel free to join in!

Bush at least has the veneer of a candidate willing to govern the entire country, and not just the loudest morons in his corner. That's it. That is all it takes to be considered the best republican.