The Devil and John Berryman

The first season is genuinely pretty good, the second season is mostly enjoyable. And then it's pretty much worthless unless you want to spend 22 minutes with bro-y assholes. Jason Mantzoukas has a larger role in later seasons, and anytime he's on screen things get much better, but anytime he's not you'll be asking

He used to have website (podcast?) called TV on the Internet. TV is an abbreviation for both Todd VanDerWerff and television.

Mad Men: London Edition

I can almost guarantee Ruxin has made some sort of 9/11 joke, and most likely also managed to turn it into a homophobic take on how Kevin likes to take it up the ass. The genius of The League!

Sometimes they let black people on air to give their thoughts. Sure, they are always yelled at and told they're wrong, but I shouldn't even have to look at them!

I've started working my way through Spooksville on Netflix, as it's the perfect nostalgic Halloween show to have on in the background while half paying attention. I find it a lot like a live action Gravity Falls, if a little more sanitized.

In pop culture terms, how would you describe the difference between "remake" and "reboot"?


The part that makes her a hypocrite? Correct.

I guess I'm just uncomfortable saying she's a fame whore, because most of the people I've seen make that argument are the sorts of people that think being LGBT at all is some sort of fad used garner popularity. It certainly could be true, but the manner in which most people have expressed it had the distinct tone of

It is hilarious that our grandchildren are going to have to live in a post apocalyptic wasteland just because a few rich guys would rather buy a few extra yachts than try to save us.

Wasn't she just on Ellen, like, less than a week ago trying to jump through hoops explaining her thoughts on gay marriage?

Considering that Jenner is the one person in that family that actually accomplished something and was famous for it previously, that line of criticism doesn't really hold up either. However, criticizing her for being a gigantic republican hypocrite that doesn't really "get" gay marriage because she has "traditional"

Awesome but unknown to the outside world?

I've said it a million times, but the Baby Boomers are so much worse than us. They just didn't have social media to document all of their bullshit.

This doesn't look like the welcome wagon.

In nearly all aspects of my life, I exclusively patronize locally owned businesses. Bars, restaurants, record stores, etc. Hotels, however, are the major exception. You're traveling across the country, you have no idea what a particular indie hotel is like. It could be awesome, or it could be murderous. You need to go

If You Like Marriott But Hate The VR Goggles, You Understand Feminist Criticism

Dear God, the bots have learned how to properly capitalize words. Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should.

I love seeing the rugged mountain terrain of the Midwest anytime X-Files or Supernatural take up a case in Iowa or Wisconsin.