The Devil and John Berryman

Was he your son?

Dark lyrics set to upbeat tempo is pretty much the Generation X mission statement.

And, surprise, he's a piece of shit! He appeared on the Real World, but only supports "traditional" marriage. Yep.

It's spelled libtard, you fucking libtard.

I would have stayed to see which song from the Clear Channel banned after 9/11 list they picked for their first dance. My guess is "Bodies" by whoever that really shitty nu-metal band was.

I immediately opened my Netflix app in a panic it was removed. It's still there.

I'm not sure the All Lives Matter crowd feels too strongly about curing an African born disease that initially affected the gay population in disproportionate numbers and is mostly spread via an act of sin.

I've been to Middle America. It checks out.

"The two groups are not mutually exclusive."

Children are the worst. More people should be anti-child.

I mistakenly spoiled the ending of Show Me a Hero by reading the actual history the show was based on, and it made the finale way more intense and depressing.

You should be required to pass a basic quiz on what gluten actually is before you're allowed to ask if that basket of bread is gluten free.

Are participation trophies really a huge issue? Or is one of these "War on Christmas" deals, where it's just made up by conservatives looking to get angry about something?

Is Actually Really Good, For First Time In Decades.

For someone supposedly against rape, you sure are going through an awful lot of trouble to ensure hypothetical rapist are getting their benefit of the doubt at the expense of their accusers.

Congrats, you just made it impossible for yourself to ever run for office as a republican.

Sadly, the prize is a used fedora hat.

Innocent until proven guilty is a criminal justice standard that has been warped by shitty people, much like "Freedom of Speech", to mean they can do whatever they want and no one has a right to judge them.

When did you read the book, and which parts that supported its thesis did you not agree with?

Just watch the sad display when an otherwise progressive person roots for an athletic team that has an accused sexual predator on the roster.