The Devil and John Berryman

Maybe within these digital walls. I certainly wouldn't call the culture at large anti-rape in any meaningful way.

If the two beliefs are you are choosing from either work to exclude minorities and benefit those already with power, or work to give those with little power historically more power currently, yep, I'd say it's a pretty clear distinction. When someone that supports minority rights then turns around and treats a

One of the reasons I love THS is because their songs about partying are almost always told in the past tense, and not always in the most positive of ways. They're nostalgic and wistful, but also sad, looks at what it was like to be young and to have grown out of that phase of your life. They're party songs for people

There are far too many young males that think feminism is a slur, and broads just need to chill out. The more men that express these kinds of sentiments the better.

When Alexis Denisof first guest starred on How I Met Your Mother I would laugh at his ridiculous attempt at an American accent. It took me far too long to realize that he actually is American, and it was his accent on Buffy that was fake.

To be fair, there is probably a pretty sizable portion of the American population that would agree with that.

Disney absolutely cares that they can't put their most profitable franchise inside their most profitable theme parks.

Maybe stop cheating?

I'm a Sox fan, so I'm 100% sure the Cubs are winning the World Series this year just to personally spite me. Although, I'd be totally OK with the teams trading off winning it all every decade.

Absolutely. It made me feel really awful about my college self taking so much joy in his suspension. But my god do the AD, coach, boosters, the NFL and everyone associated with college athletics look like awful human beings.

I had the realization this off season while listen to a story on NPR about him that OJ totally has CTE. It just makes too much sense.

The fact that Winston hasn't been busted for doing something incredibly stupid at Mons Venus yet should be victory enough for the Bucs.

I think his callers are made up entirely of people taking a 10 minute break from watching Fox News.

I happened to catch the 30 for 30 on Maurice Clarett last night. Jesus, even when you already have a low opinion of major college athletics, it's amazing what a cesspool of filth it is.

The best thing that happened to me this off season was the Bears signing McDonald. Where as before, I would feel the need to actually care about the outcome of a team that just happened to play their games 20 miles from my place of birth, I realized any team that would sign that piece of shit deserves no loyalty from

For me, that's why Boston sports fans are the absolute worst. They loved being the good guy in the Yankees/Red Sox dynamic. Sure, they never won, but they fought the good fight, unlike those mercenary assholes from New York! But then a funny thing happened after the Red Sox actually won, and the entire New England

Boston fans are usually pretty good about ignoring perceived slights, and instead having calm, unbiased discussions regarding the world of sports.

I have no idea with Pizza Punk is, but it sounds delicious.

Using only a sample size of one, yeah, it's too long and includes too many interviews, but I was so pleasantly surprised at how much of The Report made it's way into the show. The first show was so much better than it had a right to be, so I have high hopes for his future.

I feel like the opening text of "On April 29th, 2015, Justin Willman and Jilian Sipkins drank a bottle of whiskey…two bottle of wine…and half a bottle of vodka" is pretty damn specified, no?