The Devil and John Berryman

Ah, so that explains Donald Trump.

I thought last season was pretty dire overall, but that episode with Rafi and Seth Rogan was one of the best 22 minutes of television last year.

Not only voting, but loudly and angrily endorsing platforms that would do nothing but fuck themselves over, at the benefit of the kind of elitist douche bag they would hate if they ever saw him driving around town in his BMW.

I think they are scared to have the Disney name on it. So many Disney fanatics just gobble up whatever has their logo on it, assuming it's all in a similar style. I imagine there would be plenty of pissed off mom's storming the gate of the Magic Kingdom if they popped on a DVD expecting some sort of fairy adventure,

As another Florida resident, this is about the time of year I get irrationally angry and irritable at the never ending heat, and pray for the sweet release of death, or mid-October, whichever comes first.

It's weird seeing you two in the same conversation since I often get you guys confused for each other.

Yeah, fuck Kim Davis. And yes, please, Fuck that Huckabee shit too. But more importantly, fuck you uneducated American voter that eats this shit up. Why are you too fucking stupid to realize you're being played like the bigoted piano that you are? How many of you under- and un-employed blue collar workers would

Until unionization death was also part of a factory workers job description. The point isn't to take away earned recognition for the military, but that very many other occupations helped to create this country in just as important ways. The way unions are demonized as lazy job destroyers in this country, while the

I had some moron "friend" on Facebook share a photo, clearly originally posted by the OP around Memorial Day, that had pictures of soldiers caskets with the caption "In Case You Thought It Was Just About a Three Day Weekend." Then some friend of his commented that "well this is actually about labor, but our Vets our

They already have multiple holidays. Yeah, they deserve a ton, but occasionally it would be nice if we were allowed to honor any other occupation.

Congrats on your promotion and being able to get the fair and equitable treatment you deserve! Until, of course, you go too far, and become corrupt and shiftless.


He also supported Palin in 2008. It's almost like this man has no convictions at all other than to cash the checks of anyone who will listen!

It's truly frightening when you stop and think about what they are actually saying. "Man, I really, really wish I could rape and murder anyone I wanted. Too bad I have my two thousand year old book keeping me in check!"

He left the part in 2008, but always admitted he was a registered Dem because his father was an old school southern Dixiecrat, and he just never bothered updating his records.

And you think that hurts his candidacy in Kentucky?

What kind of advice are they getting? "Trump's making you guys look like warm hearted liberals by comparison. I don't know how this is even possible, but turn right dammit!"

You have to remember; Trump is our leading Presidential candidate at the moment. What do you think these idiots watch?

You're thinking of Garth Brooks.

The hate filled after taste really puts a damper on it.