The Devil and John Berryman

5 more likes and you get an NBC show.

Where the fuck are the FEMA camps for conservatives I was promised?!

like he gives af lol

I can't be sure, but I feel like that "ng" in there is something flaggable.

One of the most reassuring/depressing things about studying history is realizing how little changes. It's great, because we aren't living in the worst time in human civilization. But yet, how the fuck have we not advanced yet?

It was one of his more controversial characters from the 90s.

"So, you have any brothers?"

You know, I don't agree with Tump on much, but his tough stance on those damned emoji speakers really makes me consider him a viable candidate.

Were all of your comments translated from emoji?

My guess is he plays it down the middle. It will mostly be smiles and chuckles, but there will probably be one or two pointed questions, most likely about some of the moronic things he's said about women's rights.

The last season of HIMYM was more miss than hit, but William Zabka as an ongoing guest star was one of the highlights.

The government is watching you, and the AV Club is nothing but a government front to gain access to your computer. Get out now!

Kicking out Focus on the Family would be a good start.

Tell the truth. There was no storm, you were just sobbing because of Jordy's knee.

As a White Sox fan it angers me to my core saying this, but I'd probably rate them or the Mets as the favorite to win the NL pennant.

Four Loko, the rosé for 16 year olds.

And it's called "White Girl Wine." Because white girls are just, like, so funny, you know?!

I like the part where he says the things he shares are "hyperrelevant," because what the fuck does that even mean? Adding "hyper" in front of the word you want to say doesn't make it more badass.

Televised political debate.