The Devil and John Berryman

The man's had to watch Fox News for a living for nearly 20 years. I'm sure he loves getting to spend time with entertainment that acknowledges and embraces it's fakeness, and let's it's entertainers back up their ridiculous bullshit with actual feats of strength and skill. Think of how much better the O'Reilley Factor

The AV Club is nothing but term papers on things we liked as children. See also; The Adventures of Pete and Pete, Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, comic book movies, etc etc.

And did you see how her face was dressed?! It was asking for it! Boys will be boys, amiright?

I don't see how any unbiased spectator could view the text transcripts between the ballboys and not come away thinking that Brady wasn't willfully involved. Four games is probably over the top, but at that point the suspension was because Brady wasn't willing to participate, not for the crime itself. If the players

But Tom Brady is also completely in the wrong. If he would have just shrugged his shoulders, gave a sheepish smile and said "Sorry guys, wasn't trying to purposefully break the rules, just get my game balls as soft as allowed" this all would have disappeared within 48 hours. He decided to be an giant asshole about it

New England produces so many great writers, and they are all completely incapable of writing anything intelligent or unbiased about their own sports teams.

See also: Manic Pixie Dream Girl.

Family Matters was a prequel to Power Rangers, as evidenced by the final episode of Matters when Urkel finally completed work on his Megazord.

At least he appears to repost from the content owner.

"We hate Fat Jews, and You Should Too!"

I once clicked "No" on a YouTube ad asking if I wanted to stand up for our right to bear arms. I was then taken to an NRA site, which was blocked by my company firewall, and then I was in perpetual fear I was on an HR list of possible terrorists. So, don't click on those things.

You know what you did.

I keep getting the same notifications from this weekend over and over again.

Yes. HP Land is the single greatest section of any theme park in the world.

I hope senioritis Obama spends the rest of his Presidency training to become the world's greatest club DJ.

Where do you live that you have the option to vote for someone that wasn't a millionaire their whole life? I want to live in your utopia.

Pretty sure that's stitched in Latin on the republican flag.

Mrs. Featherbottom crashing into the table trying to make a Mary Poppins umbrella landing, Danny Dyer's Chocolate Homunculus from Peep Show, every scene with Patrick Stewart in Extras, and way too many Simpsons quotes to list, so let's just go with "Sex Cauldron? I thought they shut that place down!"

Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities: What Games Do They Play? Do They Play Beer Pong?? Let's Find Out!

"That joke's cold, Jimmy. I give it a 4.3"