The Devil and John Berryman

She's also incorrect, as Sesame Street will be free to PBS stations after a few month window.

Did not know about it being a Medicare rally, so thank you. And I agree that letting them speak was good. But the optics of it are horrible. It plays into every "weak liberal" stereotype that tea party crazies eat up. If he was in a national Presidential election, this exact video would be played approximately 10

Because there are approximately 400 candidates, and they're splitting their own vote at this point. If it was, say, Bush v. Walker, you'd see much bigger numbers at Walker events.

The Sanders supporters are starting to go a little off their rockers too. Read any comment on NPR about Sanders, and it's amazing how quickly liberals can turn into a Fox News viewer stereotype, seeing an evil mainstream media bias anywhere their favorite son isn't treated as royalty.

I plan on voting for Sanders whenever the primaries actually start. But his response in the video above is a pretty good indicator of why he has zero chance to win anything. You don't just stumble to the back of the stage at your own event when someone tries to heckle you.

I think you might have just been on the Joe Arpaio mailing list.


I doubt you'd find universal republican support to the assertion that the earth is round.

What an entitled generation! And by entitled, I mean expecting the basic human rights that previous generations didn't have the initiative to seek.

employers have almost all the power in this all situations.

That's the actually the theme of the next GOP debate.

But they had Elizabeth just waiting in the wings, so it all kind of worked out.

Internships are on the job training opportunities. Some are unpaid, but most are paid, especially with the increase in labor lawsuits such as this one.

The first interview I had after college was supposedly for a marketing gig, but was actually just door-to-door UPS sales. I was so sure I had to take the first opportunity I had, otherwise I'd be unemployed forever, that I jumped in, even realizing how many red flags there were. I lasted all of 4 days, and also spent

The electoral college.

*Republican Candidates defend lynching, saying it is in no way racial, but rather an homage to their ancestors.*

Cutler may be bad, but he's not Jimmy Clausen bad. Although, bonus points to Clausen for probably not being married to an anti-vaxxer moron.

Kingsmen is a pretty fun idea, horribly executed. The ending really is as absurd as advertised, and not in a good way.

I guess the Bears, but it's harder and harder for me every year to watch the sport when I realize how many monsters it creates and/or enables off the field. After the Bears signed Ray McDonald this summer I pretty much swore them off, so really I just root against the Packers. Mostly because "Go Pack Go" might be the

If you're going to Wisconsin, don't waste any available space with any beer that's not New Glarus.