The Devil and John Berryman

My 55 year old mother never went to college, so she's just entering into her Randian phase! Oh what fun that has been.

The Wire had the benefit of being beautifully written and acted. It was also obtuse because it was telling a story of how poverty and crime affects society at large. It was not just spinning it's wheels trying to come up with shit to do because it didn't feel like telling a coherent story.

I don't think you'll find many supporters at the AV Club of any violent, homophobic religious cult, no matter the skin color of those participating. But your tunnel vision focus on trying to connect this story about horrible christians to horrible Muslims is mighty telling.

TLC didn't make a wholesome family show about a group of misogynistic homophobic Middle Easterners. That would have offended the high morale character of the channels core misogynistic, homophobic Christian demo too much.

The way all lower class republicans do…socialist government handouts.

It's very, very good.

Don't click on it?

I only had Whataburger once, and it was nearly inedible. I should give it another try the next time I'm cruising the southwest on the chance that the kid making my burger that day just lost his favorite confederate flag or something and was feeling really down, but based on that experience I never understood how

He did the exact same thing he's suing this random guy for. If saying James Woods is a cocaine addict is worth $10 mil, saying Obama is a secret Muslim has to be worth at least $20 mil.

Then he'll use that money to buy all of the world's guns, thus fulfilling all the Twitter prophecies.

Isn't it funny how many right wingers support tort reform to curb frivolous lawsuits against mega-corporations, but have no problem suing the shit out of the poor bastards that make their life slightly annoying?

So we're clear, the fucktard in question is not the guy that thinks Obama is a secret Muslim, but rather the guy that called him out about it?

I've seen every episode of How I Met Your Mother multiple times, and am a big fan of Segel's movie/Apatow work, and I still forget they are the same person.

He didn't know her name the same way Fox News commenters don't know how to pronounce Muslim names.

Amy Schumer's material has a whole lot more in common with It's Always Sunny… than it does with Girls. I can't help but think his knowledge of Amy Shcumer is that she's a chick that tells female oriented jokes.

So you're simultaneously concerned about the mistreatment of aging actresses, while also being a huge misogynist tool? What an interesting creature you are.

Well, clearly. But their existence/representation in media ratio is waaaay off.

Be more constructive with your feedback, please.

Yes. But if it makes you feel better elections have always been an absurd farce. Just look up political cartoons and OpEds from literally any point in our history. But of course, now we have the joy of this shit show being covered by by multiple 24 hour news networks that don't have a clue on how to do their job, so

That totally describes the republicans. It's just that their definition of "justice" is "legal protection to discriminate against minorities."